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I wake up in a nice, warm bed with the woman I love by my side. "Good morning." Minji whispers to me as she has her arm propped up with her head leaning on it while staring at me. "Good morning." I smile at her and exhale while stretching. "What do you want for breakfast?" She asks me with a smile while she runs her fingers through my hair.

"Anything...I'll eat whatever you make." I look at her with soft eyes and she smiles. "You are so cute." She says and places a peck on my nose before getting up out of bed, only in her bra and underwear as she heads to the kitchen.

My phone starts buzzing out of nowhere. "Hello?" I ask as I rub the sleep out of my eyes. "HOW DID IT GO?!" A loud voice was heard. I pull the phone slightly away from my ear, "Dani don't yell it's so early!" I say. "EARLY? Bitch it's literally 12 in the afternoon!" She says and I hear Hyein in the back agree. "Hyein is with you?" I ask. "Tsk when is she not with me.." I can just hear Danielle roll her eyes.

"True, but yes it was good, she's making breakfast right now." I say. "BREAKFAST IN THE AFTERNOON IS THE BEST!" Hyein shouts from the back. "You just like food at anytime of the day!" Danielle says and Hyein groans in annoyance.

"Haerin! It's ready!" Minji shouts and I hum. "Got to go guys the food is ready! I'll tell you guys later!" I say and they agree and we hang up the phone.

I walk out the door to smell some freshly made Omelettes. Minji has a huge smile on her face as she stares at me. "What are you so smiley about Ms.Kim?!" I wiggle my eyebrows at her. "You." She says with heart eyes. "Me? And why is that?" I ask as I take a bite of the omelette, savoring the flavor by chewing slowly. Minji sighs and then speaks, "Because I am so in love with you haerin...." I stop chewing and glance at her.

I stand up and walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist, "I am in love with you to much." I smile at her and she reciprocates the same smile at me. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and leans in. Her lips pressing against mine and moving in a gentle-like kiss. A soft one at that, a loving one....

We pull apart catching our breath while staring into each other's love glowing eyes. "Come let's eat and watch movies eh?" Minji asks and I nod in agreement.


It's currently Monday again and I have school, usually people would hate it but I don't since I'm dating my teacher- anyways...

I hear my doorbell ring and I go answer it, coming face to face to my two idiot best friends. "Come on kang kitty! Let's not be late now!" Danielle says and I roll my eyes at the nickname she gave me. "Wait haerin did you finish your breakfast?" Hyein asks me and I frown. "Yes why?" I ask. "Damnit..." She pouts. "Ain't no way you were gonna eat her leftovers..." Danielle mumbles and Hyein hits her. "SO WHAT?! NO FOOD SHOULD GO TO WASTE BRO!" She yells and crosses her arms. "Anyways let's go to school!" I say and Danielle takes out her car keys.

We walk into Minjis class first, I definently won't be paying any attention to the lessons.

Ms.Kim walks into class with her hair straight but a little frizzy. She's in a black pencil skirt with black tights underneath it. Her top is a white button up but the top few are unbuttoned. She's so beautiful.

"Hello class today we will be reading chapter 15 in our textbooks so please pull those out." She says while adjusting her glasses. I notice Minji keeps holding her stomach, giving slight pressure to it as well. She grabs a bottle of her water and chugs it down within seconds. "Wow Ms.Kim just chugged her water bottle in 5 seconds!" Some kids shouted and she just light chuckles before her face turns pale.

"Excuse me class, go ahead and start reading!" She says while holding covering her mouth and fast walking out the door. I glance at my friends and they nod so I can go after her. I get up and follow after Minji.

I hear sounds coming from a nearby staff bathroom, I make sure no one is looking and finally enter.

"Minji?" I call out and she groans in response. I knock on the stall only to find out it's already unlocked. "Minji are you okay?" I ask kneeling beside her as she is hunched over the toilet, vomiting. "I don't know I've been feeling sick for the past few days." She groans as she throws up some more. I hold her hair back for her and pat her back gently. "Why did you come to school then? You could've stayed home to get better!" I say and she shakes her head. "There wasn't enough substitutes to fill in today, all are already taken up." She says and I hum in response.

"When did you start feeling like this again?" I ask and she pauses to think for a second. "It was right after you left. She says and I nod. Silence fills the restroom as both our thoughts run wild. Could it! It can't-

"Haerin..." Minji calls out my name making me get out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I ask while pulling a strand of her hair out of her face and behind her ear. "What if it could be...because I'm pre-", "No!" I cut her off. "Have you taken a test?" I ask her and she shakes her head no. "Go take one." I say and she sighs. "But what if I am?" Minji starts to slightly panic. "Hey, hey! Minji look at me, you aren't alone in this, I will be with you, okay?" I try to calm her down even though I'm freaking out much more on the inside than she is.

What if she is? It's my child!? BUT IM JUST A COLLEGE STUDENT?! Will I BE A MOM?!?!?

She nods and uses a napkin to wipe vomit off her mouth. "I will go home then." She says and I nod. "Go our class is well behaved and this is an emergency." I tell her and she hugs me tightly before leaving me with my thoughts.

Well shit I just might become a damn mom-

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