Ms.Pham house

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"Yes I think that's the one!" Hyein and I say as we observe Danielle. She has on a white skirt with some white platform boots, along with a yellow crop top that is backless.

"Guys you don't think this is too much?" Danielle asks us. "Of course it's too much! That's why we chose it!" Hyein and I high five each other and Danielle sighs before rubbing her forehead. "Shouldn't I just go in casual clothes?" She asks us and we shake our head. "Don't you want to get a rise out of her? Maybe she'll finally let loose and reveal if she feels the same way about you or not?!" I say and Danielle thinks for a second before agreeing. "I guess you're right but if she kicks me out of her house because of you I am kicking you in the cooch!" She says to me while pushing on my shoulders.

"Deal!" I smile at her and she smiles back. " I go..." she says and was about to walk out the door but comes back in quickly. "WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO TALK ABOUT WITH HER?!" She screams at us and we groan. "The reproductive system bro! REMEMBER THATS WHAT YOUR ASSIGNMENT IS ABOUT!" I say to her and she nods but bites on her fingertips.

"What if she catches on to me lying?!" She shakes me and I stop her from doing so before I get lightheaded. "Ugh! Danielle, my precious over thinker...STOP OVERTHINKING! Just go with the flow!" I pay her shoulders and she nods understandingly. I glance back at Hyein, "Come let's go walk her!" I say and Hyein jolts up. "CANT wait to see this!" She smirks as we head out the door to Ms.Phams house.



"I still think I am too overdressed!" I say as we arrive in front of Ms.Phams house. "You are and it's okay! You got this Ms.Marsh!" Haerin mocks. "Yeah you got this Mo Jihye!" Hyein raises up a fist but quickly puts it down once I shoot her a glare for calling me by my Korean name.

I slowly walk up to Ms.Phams door and knock on it softly. I hear shuffling on the other side and soon it opens revealing, Ms.Pham in some casual baggy jeans, and a loose fitted sweater with a city name on it. "Danielle! Come in!" She says and I give Hyein and haerin one last glance as they were hiding in the bushes before entering her house.

"Sorry, it's a little messy..." She scratches the back of her nape. "No its not." I let out a small chuckle and she leads me to her living room to sit on the couch. "Do you want some water? Or anything to drink? I also have some coffee? Or orange juice, or if you don't like orange juice I have apple juice and cranberry juice instead! Or..." I raise up my hand and giggle, "Ms.Pham water is okay." I cut her ramble off. "You can call me hanni." She says and I quirk an eyebrow up. "I never knew what your first name was..." I say lowly and she chuckles as she sits next to me and places a glass of water down on the mini table in front of us.

"Well yes I'm your teacher so you address me differently, that's why you never knew my first name." She says and I nod. "It's pretty, Hanni Pham, Pham hanni? Both are cute." I say and quickly avoid eye contact. Why did I say that?

"Thank you Danielle. Now reproductive system?" Hanni asks me. "Oh yeah-" I say and pull out some fake copies of an assignment, I didn't really have reproductive system assignments, I lied.

I hand her the paper so she can look over it and I see her frown. "Danielle...this says it's for grade're not in 5th grade anymore-" hanni frowns at me and I know my face is red as hell. I quickly snatch the paper out of her hands and look at it with my own eyes, I should never trust haerin and Hyein to print out fake homework copies for me ever again!

"Maybe my teacher gave me the wrong assignment!" I shrug and hanni leans back on the couch. "You're lying to me. What's going on Danielle?" Hanni asks me and I bite my lip in anxiousness. "Nothing! Nothing at all! I'm telling the truth!" I say and the corner of her mouth is slightly perked up. "Did you just want to hangout with me?" She asks me and I look at her. I nod shortly after, accepting defeat.

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