Ms.Kim's House

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"Look it! The man literally threatened me!" I say as I play the recording to the officer at the desk. "Is he a teacher at the school?" The officer asks me. "Um...I think so? He's always at the school." Me and my friends say.

The officer nods and searches up the teachers profiles on her computer. "Which one is he?" The officer asks while scrolling through the male profiles at our school. "That one!" I point at the same exact man who hugs up on Minji. "Mr. Lee?" The officer raises an eyebrow and clicks on his profile. She analyzes it before clicking again, showing more bigger details about him.

"Well...he's already been arrested once from us for Sexual Assault. He's been in prison for one and half years before as well." She says and hears the recording again. "We had already given him a warning, if he did anything bad again he would be jailed again." The officer says. "For how long?" I ask. She shrugs, "It depends what he did but this...a threat...maybe 6 months." She says and I sigh, that's something right.

"But what if he gets out and tries to kill her?" Hyein asks. "We can give you guys a restraining order against him. He won't be allowed to go near either one of y'all, how does that sound?" She asks us. "What if that doesn't work? What if it still doesn't stop him? Look we are very worried about our friend here!" Danielle says sternly.

The officer sighs, "I suppose I can do some more searching on him while he's behind bars." The officer says making a small smile form on our faces. "Thank you officer!" We all say and she nods. She transfers the recording on my phone and sends it to her computer as proof that he is dangerous.

"He won bother you guys for now!" She reassured us as we walk out of the police building feeling relieved, slightly.

"So, about Ms.Kims house-" Hyein says and Danielle smirks. I roll my eyes, "YALL go home! I need to go meet her at the school!" I say and they laugh at me.


Im waiting at the front of the school when cops have arrived and took Mr. Lee away. Once they left, Minji still wasn't in sight. I go into the school and find her classroom. "Ms.Kim?" I say and see her look at me. "Hey- sorry I got busy with grading work!" She said and I nod. "No worries. Are you ready?" I ask and she nods, while putting up her papers she had finished.

I follow her out the classroom and to her car.

"Nice car." I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes playfully. "I bought it with the money I saved." She smiles and unlocks the door allowing me to get in.

The drive to her house was pretty quiet and relaxing. The sound of the cars engine was filling my ears as I stared at the passing buildings and city lights. Soon we arrived in front of a small house.

"Looks cozy already, mind if I live here with you?" I smirk at Minji and she chuckles lightly. "Don't be silly haerin." She lightly smacks my arm as she parks the car and unbuckles her seatbelt.

We walk into her house and it is just as cozy in the inside like the outside of it. "You live here by yourself?" I ask her and she hums in response. "So why exactly did you want me to come over to your house Minji?" I ask her as her back faces me.

She turns around and locks eyes with me. She walks over to me, slowly. "Well, Kang haerin. Why do you think I wanted you to come over?" She tilts her head and asks me. "Um...I don't know. That's why I'm asking..." I say but my member kind of gave it away once a thought of her being under me, begging me to keep going as I shamelessly thrusts into her-

"Oh- so that's what you thought?" She comes closer making me step back a little. "You thought you were going to get some type of...action?" She smirks at the last word. I gulp, my mouth suddenly running dry, making me not utter a single word or sound.

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