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I wake up in a nice warm bed. My eyes squinting because of the sunlight that is shining through the blinds of the window. I turn around and notice my partner from last night is missing. I quickly sit up, glancing around nervously. Did I miss up? Was I too much? She probably didn't like it...

I'm still in Ms.Kims house. I look down and see that i have some clothes on that clearly aren't mine. She let me wear some of her clothes? Suddenly my nose picks up a delicious smell coming from Ms.Kims kitchen. I stand up and began walking out the door and to the kitchen.

Upon reaching the kitchen, I find Minji making eggs and some bacon with a side of toast. She senses a gaze on her and turns and flashes me a smile. She walks over to me and places a soft kiss on my lips, "Good morning, im making breakfast for us!" She says and my heart stops. "Us?" I mumble and she chuckles lightly. "Yes haerin. Me and you." She says.

I smile without realizing, it feels different, we are both glowing now. I wrap my arms around her waist and close the gap between us, my front touching her backside as I snuggle my head in the crook of her neck.

"Minji..." I mutter against her ear making her chuckle lightly before humming as a response. "What are we?" I ask and she stops flipping the eggs. My grip on her loosens as she turns around to face me. "H-haerin you know how complicated our situation is..." she starts off, "If people found out about our...situation, we both could be in huge trouble." She says with pleading eyes, hoping for me to understand...and I dont.

"But I want to be with you Minji...I really...like you" i really Love you....

She lets out a shaky sigh from her lips, "Haerin...maybe it's best we stop this for a while..." She says making me step back from her. "Wha- what? Stop what?" I ask, hoping she isn't talking about what I think she is. "Haerin...I- we can't be doing this...this is a risk for your future and my current job. We both can face serious consequences that we don't want." She says, making me hold back tears in my eyes.

"Please haerin. Please understand..." She walks over to me and cups my face gently with her warm hands. I blink, almost forgetting I haven't blinked since she told me we should stop this. But I dont want to stop this? I want her. I've never felt this way about any girl-

"I-I-" I try to speak but can't, if I still try tears will come out of my eyes. She pulls me closer to her so our foreheads are touching, "Maybe...right person...wrong time..." She whispers as a tear dropped from her cheek. "I-I should go-" I choke on my words as a tear runs down my cheek. "But you haven't had breakfast..." Minji smiles softly. "I'm good..." I say and rush to her front door.

"Haerin!" She grabs my wrist, stopping me from going out the door. "What Minji? What do you want?!" I break down, tears streaming down my face. Minji looks guilty...

"I'm sorry! I really am! I didn't mean for it to go this far!" She pleads. "IT? So what was I the entire time to you? Just a fuck buddy because your shitty, possessive ass boyfriend couldn't provide good dick to you?" I scream at her and see her look down, avoiding my watery eye contact.

"I- you are the first girl I ever felt this way about..." I softly mutter under my breath but she heard it because her breath hitches. "I guess my heart was wrong...I'm just a toy to you." I say and walk out before she says something I won't like hearing.

Once far down the street of her house, I pull out my phone and texts Danielle and Hyein.

Haerin: Danielle can i come to your house right now?

Danielle: Yeah! Hyein and I are here eating my snacks.

Hyein: Yeah we didn't tell you because you were probably busy with your Minji🤭

Sadness appears on my face behind my phone screen, "My Minji..." I mumble to myself before typing again.

Haerin: it's...actually about Minji, I have to tell you guys what happened-

Hyein: Please spare us the details about y'all's sex👩🏻‍🦯

Danielle: yeah! We don't need to know that!💀

Haerin: Guys...I'm crying...

Danielle: what? Haerin...what happened?

Hyein: Haerin where are you? We will come pick you up!

Haerin: down the street from minjis house...

Danielle: Hyein and I are getting in my car right now, send us your location now.

I sent them my location and wait for them to pick me up so we can go to Danielle's house.

"Haerin! What happened?" Danielle starts asking me once we arrive at her house. The entire car ride was silent, only the sounds of my sniffles were heard, and their occasional worried glances if those can make sounds.

"Haerin...we don't like seeing you like this! We never have seen you like this! So we don't like it even more now! Tell us everything..." Hyein tells me with a worried look on her face.

"Ms.Kim...doesn't want to...do things with me anymore..." I start off and they nod. "She says...maybe it's best we stop doing this because it can get us in trouble." I explain to them. "Yes it can get y'all in trouble but who cares? If you guys really like each other, it shouldn't matter." Danielle says softly to me while caressing my back in a comforting way.

"It seems like...I'm the only one who felt something..." I say as a few stray tears run down both of my cheeks once again. Hyein sits down beside me and hugs me, "You don't know that." She says. "But I do- she said she never meant for it to go this far...I was a just a toy to her Hyein! Someone that can provide pleasure to her when she wants it! Someone who is so stupid to believe that she actually would fall in love with me after we kissed-" I rant, steams of tears running down my cheeks like rivers.

"Wait! Y'all KISSED?! Like...on the lips?!" Danielle asks and I nod. "Oh fuck-" Danielle sighs out as she rubs her temples. "That's fucked up of her to do..." Hyein now rubs my back in a comforting way just like what Danielle is doing. "Look...maybe she just needs time-", "No. I'm not gonna give her my time of day no more, I will forget her. From now on, she's just my teacher." I interrupt Hyein.

Both Danielle and Hyein nod in agreement.

"You're going to be okay haerin, remember...you have two amazing best friends who will stick by your side no matter what! Even if you murder somebody we will always defend you!" Hyein says making me chuckle. "Are you sure about that?" Danielle cocks an eyebrow up at Hyein making us all laugh and eventually brighten this dark atmosphere that surrounds us.

"Now that I think about it...what if hanni is thinking this too?" Danielle flashes us a worried look. "No, she looks just as crazy about you as you are about her." Hyein rolls her eyes in jealousy.

"Well...haerin do you want some ice cream?" Danielle asks me and I nod excitedly. "Come we got all the flavors! I think? Unless Hyein ate them all-" Danielle says as we follow her to the kitchen.

"I'm not that fat-" Hyein yells.

Suddenly....I don't like Ms.Kim-

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