The boyfriend

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"So...haerin got jerked off and Danielle got topped even though she has a penis?" Hyein questions causing Danielle and I to both hit her at the same time. "Wow! That's different! Danielle got rode on so hard she can hardly walk! I didn't even know that was possible!" Hyein chuckles making me slightly chuckle too only to stop once I realized a glare was set upon me by the girl who can't walk.

"Shut the hell up you two!" Danielle rolls her eyes as she smacks on some broccoli in her lunch bag.

"Kang Haerin!" A deep voice calls me and I turn around to be met with Minjis asshole of a boyfriend. "Yeah?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "I need to talk to you now!" He says and I slowly get up, not a care in the world for this guy. I follow him outside of the school building but before he turns back at me I had pressed a record button on my phone, in case he threatens me.

"Stay away from minji." He sighs. "What?" I asks. "Who's Minji?" I play dumb, "Are you cheating on Ms.Kim?" I frown and he chuckles. "Minji IS Ms.Kim! Dumbass!" He rubs his forehead. "Oh- why?" I raise an eyebrow and see his gaze darken. He walks closer to me, "I see the way you look at her you freak! Stay the hell away from her, she's mine! Don't make me to something I'll regret doing to you!" He says and I smirk, 1 point haerin.

"Do something to me? Like what?" I ask innocently. "Like kill you. She's mine and mine only!" He says with a deep voice. I raise my eyebrows, "Is that a threat to me?" I ask and he nods. "Yes. Stay the hell away from her, last warning Kang!" He says and walks away from me. I smirk as I end the audio, he was an asshole anyways time to get rid of him.


Hyein and Danielle sit down next to me in Ms.Kims class. "So what did that guy talk to you about?" Hyein asks me. We are sitting down in the back of the classroom, so I pull out my phone and raise the volume just enough for us to hear the audio.

"This." I say and press play. The recording starts playing as Danielle and Hyein listen attentively to it.

"I will kill you." Danielle gasps at the statement and Hyein frowns. "Are you for real? He doing that all because he is possessive-" Hyein says and Danielle still has her hand clasped over her mouth. "Haerin you should report this! This is a threat! What if he actually means it?!" Danielle says and I nod.

Suddenly my phone was picked up, by the one and only Ms.Kim. "No phones. Shouldn't you already know this kang Haerin?" She tilts her head to the side making me roll my eyes. "I do, but this is important!" I say and try to grab my phone out of her hand but she yanks it away. "More important than my class?" She asks and I sigh.

"See me after class Haerin." Ms.Kim says as she walks away and puts my phone in a drawer at her desks. Well there goes me blasting music in my ears to avoid hearing the lessons...


"I'll see you guys at lunch in a little, I have to talk to Ms.Kim." I say and they sigh. "It better be a quickie!" Hyein rolls her eyes causing Danielle to burst out laughing. "Save me some food too!" I yell at them as they walk out of the classroom, "Okay! I won't!" Hyein shouts making me roll my eyes, bitch.

The classroom is finally empty and it's just me and Ms.Kim, she walks over and closes her door, locking it in the process as well. "So...why is being on your phone so I portent rather than paying attention to my class?" She says as she crosses her arms. "Well you see I was-", "Talking to other girls? Are you texting other people Kang haerin?" Ms. Kim says as she walks closer to me and sits on my desks. "What!? No- no Minji it was-" She places her finger over my lips, shushing me.

I roll my eyes, can she just let me finish my damn sentence? I yank her hand away from my lips as I stand up and walk in front of her. "Let. Me. Finish." I say through gritted teeth and see a small blush form on her cheeks. "Go on then." She shrugs and I sigh in relief. "It was about your boyfriend." I say and she frowns.

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