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After lunch, we went to history class, a.k.a Danielle's favorite class because of our other pretty professor, Ms.Pham.

We get in our seats and Danielle immediately stares at Ms.Pham. Ms.Pham glances around the class, making sure everyone is in their seats and she makes eye contact with Danielle. "Danielle? Are you alright?" She comes towards Danielle with a confused expression on her face. "Sorry Ms.Pham she gets blinded by your beauty!" I fake apologize to Ms.Pham and see her cheeks become a light shade of pink.

"Oh- uh- Thanks you Ms.Marsh for thinking I am pretty." She shows a gummy smile to Danielle who gasps at the sight and quickly bows her head afterwards. "Let's get started with class shall we?" Ms.Pham says to the class who groans but it was replaced once they see Ms.Pham bright smile.

"Where my award for being the best wingwoman?" I lean in towards Danielle and she elbows me in the side. "Ow what was that for?!" I groan and she scoffs. "IM EMBARRASSED!" She whisper shouts at me and Hyein giggles as she snacks secretly on her chips. "Bitch we just came from lunch!" I say to her. "So?!" She says and continues eating her chips.

Class ends and we all head out for the day. "Ms.Marsh!" Ms.Pham calls out to Danielle as we stop ourselves from heading out to the door. "Yes Ms.Pham?" She asks with flustered cheeks, god she's so obvious. "You almost forgot your book! I would've had to hold you after class and teach it to you all over again!" Ms.Pham let's out a light chuckle. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind Ms.Pham! She would love your company any day!" I smirk at Danielle then Ms.Pham who seems to be blushing lightly again.

"Oh-uh, Ms.Marsh you can always ask me for help with anything." Ms.Pham smiles at Danielle. "I need helps with a lot of things..." Danielle says lowly making me and Hyein glance at each other and smirk. "I'm sure I can help!" Ms.Pham smiles at Danielle, she clearly didn't get it.

"Well...when are you free to help me with my...things?" Danielle says nervously. "After school? I have to grade a few assignments then I'll be free for the evening. What assignment do you need help on?" Ms.pham asks. "Oh- uhm, it's's for my science class!" Danielle practically screams out making Hyein and I hold back a laugh that was waiting to burst out.

"Oh, I know a lot about that too! I can help!" Ms.pham says and goes to grab a piece of paper and a pen. She writes down some numbers and a address on it, then hands it to Danielle. "That's my personal number...and my address is there in case you want to do it at my house-", "Yes! I want to do it at your house!" Danielle says then shuts her mouth. "The assignment of course!" Danielle smiles at Ms.Pham.

"Or we can meet in my classroom after school and find a nearby cafe to do the assignment." Ms.pham suggests. "Your house." Danielle says and ms.pham shows a bright smile. "Great be there around...7pm! Hopefully I don't get too caught up in the assignments here! Just text me when you are there and I'll leave as soon as possible!" Ms.pham says and Danielle nods along with us leaving the classroom.

Hyein and I finally let out a laugh that we have been holding it. "What are you guys laughing about?!" Danielle screams at us. Hyein and I hold onto each others shoulders as we try to catch our breath again. "You were so obvious bro! I don't know how Ms.Pham doesn't know you have the fattest crush on her!" I laugh loudly in the hallway at Danielle.

"Don't act like you don't like Ms.Kim!" Danielle rolls her eyes and pushes me but I bump into a person. "Sorry." I laugh without looking at the person. "Really Kang haerin?" I hear that stern voice making me snap my neck towards Ms.Kim.

"Ms.Kim! Sorry didn't see you there!" I say and turn back to my friends who, are not here. "What the fuck?!" I say out loud because of their sudden disappearance. "Language." Ms.Kim crosses her arms. "I'm already going back to my dorm. It's after school hours anyways." I roll my eyes and walk past Ms.Kim. "Kang Haerin." She says and I stop and turn around to her. "God you're obsessed with me huh? What is it now?!" I scoff and she walks over to me, standing right in front of me.

My breath slightly hitches at how close we are. "Remember to read the chapters we went over in class, it's your homework." Ms.Kim says to me. "Yeah, yeah! Totally will!" I roll my eyes. "I'll have to keep you after school tomorrow if you don't. Unless you want to be kicked out of this school?" She asks mockingly. "I don't mind staying after school with you." I flirt and see her widen her eyes in astonishment.

"You will mind if it involves you only studying!" She says. "Yeah I'll be studying alright." I say while trailing my eyes up and down her body then making eye contact with her. She backs away a little with bright red cheeks, "You m-may go now!" She stutters. "You sure you want me to go?" I tease and see her gasps a little.

I walk closer to her and lean towards her ear, "Bye Ms.Kim." I whisper in her ear and see her chest rising and falling as I step back and walk towards the exit where I see Danielle and Hyein watching the whole time.

"Bitch! I want a hot professor too!" Hyein pouts as me and Danielle smirk at each other. "You're still a baby!" I tease and Hyein groans. "Whatever! Lets go and help Danielle get ready for her "date" with Ms.Pham!" Hyein smirks and now Danielle is as red as a tomato.

"You best tell us everything that happens!" I punch her cheek and she slaps my hand away, "I always do! You guys are my best friends!" She rolls her eyes.

"That's right now let's see what outfit screams, slut me out!" I say and Hyein and I evil laugh.


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