First date

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"Thank god yall made up!" Hyein rolls her eyes. "Are you trying to fight?!" I say and hit Hyein in the side of her head. "No no of course not. I wouldn't want to embarrass you haerin!" Hyein smirks and Danielle has to hold me back. "Enough Lee Hyein!" Danielle says sternly to Hyein and Hyein nods, no one will ever talk back to a serious Danielle.

"Hey...guys." Kazuha smiles at Danielle and Hyein. Hyein and Danielle smile back at her but glance at me with concerned faces. "Hey...Haerin." Kazuha shows a small smile to me. "Hey Kazuha. How was your day?" I try to make small talk. "It was good. Some girl showed me where the restrooms were at when I went to my ballet competition!" Kazuha smiles. "Oh what was her name?" Hyein asks. "Yunjin?" Kazuha questions and glances at us for reassurances. "Oh huh yunjin? She actually goes here!" Danielle snaps her fingers when she finally understands.

"Really? I haven't seen her?" Kazuha glances around. "She is mostly at volleyball tournaments, but she is in our classes!" Danielle quirks an eyebrow. "She's also a teachers helper, she tutors some students because they are too stupid." Hyein rolls her eyes. "Didn't she tutor you?" I laugh and Hyein reaches across the table to hit me. "Shut up!" Hyein says and Danielle chuckles along with Kazuha.

"Guys I think it's time for class let's go!" Hyein says and drags Kazuha by the arm and me and Danielle follow.


"Kang haerin, can you please read the next paragraph for the class?" Ms.Kim asks me. "No." I say and she raises an eyebrow. " I'm not really good at reading things to the class..." I show a small smirk and Minji scoffs but smirks as well. "Well this will help you get better." She says. "I mean the entire class can already read it themselves, they know how to read and if they didn't I would be concerned on how they have gotten this far-" I say and the whole class bursts out laughing, I mean it's a fact.

"Kang haerin please see me after class." Ms. Kim sighs. "Will do ma'am." I smile at her and she blushes but looks away.

"Did Ms.Kim just blush at you?" Kazuha whispers in my ear making me jolt a little. "Shi- you scared me! And no I don't think so." I say and Kazuha just shrugs it off.

Class passed and everyone exits, leaving me and Ms.Kim alone again in her classroom. She closes and locks the door. "Really haerin?" She chuckles lightly. "What?" I smile and she laughs louder. "What you said during class! You couldn't have just read you're so lazy!" She says and lightly pushes my shoulder. "Nope I'm just smart, they can read it themselves." I shrug and form a smile.

"Haerin...what are you doing after school?" Minji asks me. "Nothing really, what are you doing after school?" I ask her. "Nothin, I already graded all the papers." Minji blushes and I see her hands kind of shaking. "Minji what's wrong?" I ask and come closer to her to hold her hands. "Um..." She stutters and looks at the ground.

"Can I take you out?" Minji asks me and I frown. "On a date?" She asks while scratching the back of her nape nervously. "Of course you can, I would love to go on a date with you Minji." I smile and she smiles. "I want to prove to you that I really do like you and want you!" Minji says sternly at me. I gulp a little at how serious she sounded. I lightly chuckle and place a kiss on her lips. Our kiss softens, as we melt into one another. I inhale her sweet scent through my nose as we kiss softly.

I pull away and look into her eyes, "Once we go on a date, you're mine forever. Got it?" I say and she chuckles. "I wouldn't want to be anyone else's." She smirks and places a kiss on my cheek as the bell rings.

"7:30?" Minji asks me before opening the door. "Yeah I'll text you my address so you can pick me up." I say and she smiles before placing another kiss on my lips again, I'm so addicted to her it's unhealthy. "See you tonight!" She smirks and closes her door as I exit to go to lunch and tell Hyein and Danielle what's gonna happen later tonight.

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