
911 51 32


I See Kazuha and my other two idiot best friends sitting at lunch together. I quickly wipe away my tears and walk over to them.

"Hey took you long enough!" Kazuha smiles at me and pats the seat beside her for me to sit there. "Yeah sorry- she was just scolding me about class today..." I rub the back of my neck, still remembering our encounter. "You okay?" Kazuha asks me and I smile at her. "Yeah of course, why wouldn't I be?" I chuckle lightly and hit her shoulder with my arm.

"So you still up to show me those dance moves after school?" Kazuha smirks at me as she rubs her shoulder up against mine. "I can dance." I roll my eyes playfully and she laughs. "I'll believe it when I see it." She says and Hyein and Danielle were observing us. "What?" I ask and they just shrug before they continue to eat their food.

"Kazuha where did you come from?" Danielle asks Kazuha. "I came from Japan! I told haerin I moved here for the ballet class because I heard it was a great class." She smiles and Danielle returns the same sunshine smile at her. "You know Kazuha, I think you'll fit in just well over here and in our friend group." Hyein says as she steals a chip from kazuhas plate. "Okay did you actually mean that or did you say that just so you can eat her chips Hyein?!" I chuckle and so does Kazuha who noticed hyein stealing but never said anything.

"Shut up Kang haerin! And I did mean that Kazuha! I just wanted a chip as well!" Hyein pouts and Kazuha smiles and pats Hyeins head.

I smile at how my friends seem to love Kazuha but my mind is taken back to Minji. I miss her...

I zone out into the cafeteria, just the sound of students laughing and talking fill my ears as my eyes stare out into the open, not caring where I'm looking at or who I'm looking at.

A warm hand touched my shoulder repeatedly, making me snap out of my zone. "Hey haerin?" Kazuha keeps tapping my shoulder lightly. "She does that Kazuha! It's normal for haerin to just zone out from time to time." Hyein says as a crumb appeared on her lip. "You eat like a damn child!" Danielle says and wipes the crumb off with her thumb. "Yeah Kazuha?" I Look at her and she looks worried. "Do you want to meet me after school and I can take you to a dance studio I found?" She flashes me a kind smile that anyone could fall for...maybe even me?

"Sure. I have no plans after school anyways." I say and she smiles widely. "Great! We can meet by the front of the school when classes are done, okay?" She asks me and I nod with a small smile, I haven't danced in front of others in a while. Danielle and Hyein are the ones who occasionally see me bust out some moves but Kazuha...I feel the want to impress her, to show her up! I need to look up some choreographies in class before after school-


"Hey guys want to hangout?" Hyein asks us as we walk down the hallways. "Actually Kazuha and I are gonna go to a dance studio." I say and Hyein and Danielle gasps. "For what?!?" Hyein asks and Danielle hits her in the side of the head. "For what else? Stupid!" Danielle says and Hyein frowns as she rubs the hurt spot on her head. "Okay well y'all have fun!" Danielle smirks at me and drags Hyein away before her mouths says something inappropriate-

"So...where to ballerina?" I smirk at Kazuha who rolls her eyes playfully. "Stop it with the nickname cat!" She says and I chuckle. "Cat? That's all you got?" I laugh at her as we stroll down the school hallways to the front door. " look like a cat haerin!" Kazuha pinches my nose. My nose scrunches up as a reaction making her laugh. "You're a cute cat." She says and I smile.

"Follow me to my car." Kazuha takes my hand as she drags me to her car so we can head to the dance studio.

"Where is the dance studio at?" I ask as I sit in her passenger seat. "It's actually just down the street from my apartment." She smiles at me. It stays silent for a moment before Kazuha speaks again, "We can stop by and I can make us some dinner afterwards? If you want of course! You can always say no." She exhaled nervously.

"Alright." I shrug my shoulders making her glance at me with confusion on her face and then looking back at the road. "You're serious?" She asks me and I nod, honestly I don't know why I did. "Great! I can make us whatever dish you want!" She smiles at me. "I'm good with anything, even if you just make us ramen." I show her a small smile and she smiles back. "Alright ramen it is for the cat!" She says and I chuckle lightly while glancing outside at the street lights that we drive by.

The car stops in front of a small building, "Here is the dance studio, it'll only be us in there, is that okay?" Kazuha asks me. "Yes. Why do you keep asking if it's okay?" I laugh lightly at her. "Well, I don't want to make you uncomfortable or feel like you have to say yes to everything I say." She blushes lightly. "You don't make me uncomfortable ballerina." I rub her shoulder and she blushes while unlocking the doors. "Shall we?" She asks and I nod as we get out of the car.

Once inside the studio we set down our bags and began to stretch. "So...want me to go first?" She smirks at me and I roll my eyes. "Okay are you tryna show off?" I quirk an eyebrow up and she giggles. "Maybe?" She says and I frown. "I can go first if you want, I think I'm just as a good of a dancer as you." I poke her shoulder making her step back a little and laugh. "Proof." She says and I take out my phone to play a song.

-Yeah by Usher- starts playing...

I pop my neck as I look at Kazuha with a fierce eyes. "Okay I'm scared now!" Kazuha says sarcastically. I do a Spin almost gliding like with my feet. I sway my hips, arms and feet to the beat of the music, my swaggy side suddenly showing itself to Kazuha as her mouth hangs open.

The music stops , Kazuha stopped it. "Wow. Couldn't handle it?" I pant as sweat drips down my forehead. Kazuha steps forward and pushes me back a little with a smirk on her face, "My turn, might want to step back a little, I don't want to hurt you." She smirks and I roll my eyes. "Who says you'll hurt me?" I ask while tilting my head to the side.

She steps closer to me and lifts her leg up perfectly straight, showing me how flexible she is. "'re flexible!" I laugh and she smirks. "Very flexible.." she says and steps back as she twirls and does a jump with her legs wide in the air. She stops and smiles at me, "shocked?" She tilts her head and I nod. "Just a Little Bit." I say with my fingers and she giggles.

"Let me show you some other dance styles I know." She says as she starts playing, Into you by Ariana Grande-

She walks over to me with a smug look on her face, what is she thinking? She places her hands on my shoulders before running them down my body sensually to the music. My breath hitches, Is Kazuha doing this? What is she doing?

"Are you okay with this?" She whispers against my ear as her hands wrap around my hips and pull me forward towards her body. "Sure, you're just showing me your dance moves right? Although they are a little...explicit?" I tilt my head to the side and she smirks at me. "Yes." She says and turns around with her back touching my front area.

She sways her hips to the side, grinding them against my front as she slides down my body. Her hands making a light trail as she does so against my chest.

Then she turns around while crouched down. I glance down at her and see her staring at my crotch, shit! I quickly back away as I cover the area with both hands. "Kazuha, maybe you should just take me-", "Haerin? It's okay! No need to panic!" Kazuha lightly giggles with a small blush on her face. "N-no! I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!" I say and go to get my bag that was placed on the floor.

Kazuha grabs my hand, "Hey! It's okay haerin you didn't make me uncomfortable! I might've done a little too much so I'm sorry about that." Kazuha rubs the back of her nape. "But um...if you want to go home, I'll take you home then." Kazuha pouts. "Sorry I just feel really embarrassed." I chuckle causing Kazuha to smile and the atmosphere to lighten. "It's okay, I might've provoked it." Kazuha smirks playfully making me hit her arm. "Shut up!" I say and she laughs while covering her mouth.

"No need to be embarrassed by it, it's kind of attractive." Kazuha pinches my cheek making me blink in surprise from her response. "You think my dick is attractive?" I ask and she burst out laughing with a tomato red face. "Well when you put it that way it sounds weird!" She says making me laugh.

"Come on haerin I'll take you home, but not without dinner!" Kazuha says as she grabs her bag. "I'll pick us up something, and I'll pay." Kazuha smiles as she takes my hand and holds it as we walk back to her car.

She's really sweet but...Minji...but Kazuha...


Hello...sorry I haven't posted...haven't been feeling like it and family issues-

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