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I'm really grateful y'all were able to make this event a successful one, you're sure going to be rewarded

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....I'm really grateful y'all were able to make this event a successful one, you're sure going to be rewarded. You can all return to your work. Luna, can I see you in my office" she commanded when she was done addressing us. "Sure ma'am, I'd just take this off" I looked at my dusty apron with a sheepish smile.

"No, it's fine just come with me" i didn't put up an argument, I did as I was told. We reached her office and I was offered a seat which I was reluctant to obey cause of my dirty outfit but since she insisted and didn't mind it I obeyed her instructions.

There was silence amidst our presence while she searched through the folders on her table. She took out a red file and handed it to me. "Here is all you need to know about the contract. You have only three days to come up with a decision thereafter.... I really don't know what Ms Serrano would do. Congratulations dear" a wide smile broke on my lips and I almost let out a loud squeal but I had to comport myself.

"I..I can't believe this. I really got the contract?" She nodded in confirmation with a smile. "Yes you did. And today, she ate your special dessert; the tres leches and she was totally amazed by it" she gave me the little yet exciting piece of information and I couldn't control the happiness that bubbled up in my belly. I was so happy that I didn't realize when tears rolled down my cheeks and I just wanted to give Mrs Clara a big hug for this opportunity.

"I really don't know how to thank you for this opportunity ma'am.... "You should not be thanking me dear. Desmond deserves your appreciation more". My brows furrowed in confusion at the new information.

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since the both you began working in the hotel, the quality, the quantity and taste of our meal has kept our customers coming in. It happened to be that Ms Serrano got accommodated months ago and was enticed by our delicious delicacy. Desmond was supposed to get the contract but he thought you deserved it more" she explained and I felt my heart swell in admiration for him.

"Oh my..... I held my mouth to prevent the loud sob from cracking out. I was filled with a lot of emotions and I just wanted to give him a bear hug for this huge sacrifice. "I'll make sure I thank him ma'am"

"Alright dear, you can go now" she dismissed me and I happily left with the file hugged to my chest. A joyful sigh emitted from my lips and I thanked the Lord for granting me my heart desire.

I cheerfully went to the kitchen and without a moment of thought I went to wrap my arms around his big body. "Thank you so much chef" I muttered. He was still for a while but when he grasped on to the situation around he hugged me back. After a while I pulled away and looked at him.

"I didn't actually expect her to tell you and you don't have to thank me luna, you deserve this opportunity" tears of joy rolled down my eyes and I whispered the word of appreciation though he asked me not to. I didn't know good people like him still existed in this cruel world.

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