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I stood in front of my closet, my hands on my hips as I surveyed my options

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I stood in front of my closet, my hands on my hips as I surveyed my options. I was getting ready to go to the mall for Christmas shopping, and as usual, I was struggling to find something to wear.

After several outfit changes, i settled on a long sleeve jumpsuit along with white winter jacket and pair of winter boots.

"Wouldn't you spend the night with me?" He flashed me a smug look and I gave him a glare.

"No Russo, I'll sleep in the guest room" I didn't give him a chance to say whatever he had to, I was out of his room already.

"I'm sorry" a familiar voice anxiously apologized after she bumped into me. I looked down to find Ariana, holding a large teddy bear, her curly hair messily packed on her head and she had a cute yellow pajamas on.

Her eyes instantly lit up upon seeing me, which mirrored my expression too. "Hey princess"

"Luna" she excitingly called and threw her arms around my waist.

"I missed you so much, where did you go?" A small pout tugged at her lips but it was gone the moment I pulled her slightly chubby cheek.

"I had a job. And did you really miss me or you missed my food?" I wiggled my brows and she giggled.

"The both actually. Do you have to work tomorrow? I want to spend the day with you" she asked with hope in her eyes and I felt sad because I was going to shatter that hope.

"Actually I do, I have to go to the mall tomorrow"

"That's no problem, can I come with you?" I smiled at her attempt to swoon me with her cute eyes.

"Yes you can" she jumped happily and hugged me tightly. "I can't wait then, I'll see you tomorrow Luna, good night" I wished her the same and she went into his room while I stood there with a smile.

I was feeling overly excited to hang out with ariana. The 10-year-old was always full of energy and had a wild imagination that I really adored.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs, where I found ariana waiting for me in the living room. Her face lit up when she saw me, and she ran over to give me a hug.

"Are you ready to go to the mall, arie?" I asked eagerly.

"I sure am!" She replied excitingly. I chuckled at her response and pulled her chubby cheeks.

"But first, we have to tell your sisters, I don't want them getting extremely worried okay?"

"I'll just go tell Serena" she scurried off from my sight and ran up the stairs.

"Arie, be careful" I yelled and she giggled excitingly.

"I will"

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