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As the soft morning light gently filtered through the curtains, I reluctantly awakened

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As the soft morning light gently filtered through the curtains, I reluctantly awakened. The bed was just too comfortable to leave so soon but I remembered I had breakfast to prepare. I stretched out under the silk sheets, feeling the utmost comfort and opulence.

A faint scent of fresh flowers filled the air, adding to the ambiance of indulgence. I opened my eyes to the sight of sparkling chandeliers and the view of lush gardens just beyond my window.

It's a morning of serenity and pure luxury that enveloped my senses. I sat up and rested my back on the headboard with my eyes closed while I mentally prepared for the day ahead of me.

I took my shower and wore a fresh set of my uniform. I knotted my hair in a bun and left my room.

In the soft morning light, the interior of the silent mansion came to life. The air was still, and the only sound was the gentle rustling of curtains as a gentle breeze flowed in through the open windows.

As i walked through the silent halls, i admired the elegant tapestries, the ornate chandeliers, and the beautifully adorned furniture.

Sunlight streamed in through stained glass windows, casting vibrant colors on the expensive marble tiles. It's a place of refined beauty and tranquility, creating an atmosphere of peace within its walls.

I got to the kitchen and was welcomed by silence and emptiness. I flipped the light switch on and opened the windows. My footsteps echoed softly on the tiled floor as i made my way to the stainless steel countertops that was neatly arranged with an array of fresh ingredients.

The kitchen came alive with anticipation as I began gathering the pots and pans. Next I preheat the oven and sharpened the knives.

The intoxicating aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the sweet smell of pastries and savory aromas of sizzling bacon.

With skillful hands and creative flair, i expertly chopped, sliced and sautéd, turning ordinary ingredients into culinary masterpieces. I was so into preparing the food I didn't notice when lily came in.

"Good morning chef. I'm really sorry for coming late, it wasn't intentional I promise, I was really tired las....

"You don't have to explain yourself lily, i perfectly understand, moreover you don't have to worry, I had no issues preparing the breakfast for everyone, I'm almost done" a guilty smile flashed on her face.

"I'm sorry" she whispered and i fanned it off.

"Don't apologize again, I said it's fine. Just help me take out the bread from the oven". I instructed and she quickly abode to it.

"I'm really really really sorry chef Luna... a loud thud was heard followed by the loud giggle of lily. Austin was laying flat on his butt with his face scrunched up in pain. A soft smile graced my lips and I shook my head.

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