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As the sun peeked through the curtains, i slowly opened my eyes and stretched my arms above my head

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As the sun peeked through the curtains, i slowly opened my eyes and stretched my arms above my head. I could feel a tingling sensation all over my body, as if i had been transported to a tropical paradise. But as I further came to my senses, i realized it was not just my surrounding that was exotic, but the feeling between my legs too.

I gasped as i felt his tongue slowly teasing and tasting me, sending jolts of pleasure through my body. He kissed and licked every inch of me, paying special attention to my coochie which was my most sensitive spot. I moaned and arched my back, completely losing myself in the moment

I let out a moan of pure pleasure, my hands fisting the sheets as i felt him lick and suck me intensely.

My mind was spinning, lost in a haze of pleasure as Russo ravished me with his tongue. I had never felt anything like this before, it was an exotic sensation that I couldn't quite put into words. It was as if my body was on fire, every nerve ending alight with pleasure.

His skilled tongue caressed me in ways i never thought was possible. He knew exactly where to touch and how to make me moan with pleasure.

"Russo" I moaned in a whisper and gripped his hair. With each passing moment, my body responded, moving in perfect harmony with his every touch.

As the wave of pleasure crashed over me, i cried out his name, my body trembling in ecstasy. I reached out, pulling him up to me, and our lips crashed together in a passionate kiss. I could taste myself on him, and it only served to heighten the pleasure.

Then, without a warning, his hot mouth closed over my breasts, sucking and teasing until my nipples were erect and sensitive. I gasped, arching my back as his lips trailed lower and lower, leaving a trail of fire on my skin.

I could feel his breath, hot and heavy, as he moved downwards, his tongue flicking and circling my naval.

I moaned and arched my back, my mind clouded with pleasure. This was something i had never experienced before, and it was driving me wild. With each flick of his tongue, i could feel myself getting closer to the edge, and i surrendered to the sensation, letting him take me to new heights of pleasure.

As we reached our peak, i fell back onto the bed, my body buzzing with ecstasy. He crawled up beside me and wrapped his arms around me, his lips tracing lazy patterns on my shoulder.

"That was amazing," I breathed, my eyes still closed as i luxuriated in the satisfaction that followed after our steamy moment.

"It was just the first round, amorè," he whispered huskily, sending shivers down my spine.

My eyes flew open in surprise, and i turned to look at him with a mixture of shock and desire. But before I could say anything, he was already pulling me towards the shower.

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