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The soft light of dawn filtered in through the windows, and the snow outside sparkled in the early morning light

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The soft light of dawn filtered in through the windows, and the snow outside sparkled in the early morning light. There's a quiet hush in the air, broken only by the gentle patter of snowflakes falling to the ground.

The fireplace had burned out overnight, and the room was cool and still. The window is open just a crack, and cool breeze is blowing in, bringing with it the scent of fresh air and the promise of a new day.

I got out of bed and made my way to the window with my arms wrapped around myself to ward off the chill in the air.

The sky was lightening, turning from a deep indigo to a soft shade of lavender. The horizon was just beginning to glow with a hint of orange, and i could make out the shapes of the trees and the rooftops of the houses below.

I felt the cool breeze on my face, and I took in a deep breath, savoring the freshness of the morning air and flowers. The peace and stillness of the moment filled me with a sense of calmness and contentment.

I left the window and made my way to the bathroom. I flipped on the light, which is still a bit too bright after the darkness of the bedroom. I went to the sink and turned on the water, cupping my hands under the faucet to splash my face. The water is refreshing and cool, and it helped to rejuvenate my energy.

I reached for my toothbrush and toothpaste, and begin to brush my teeth. The minty flavor of the toothpaste felt invigorating, and I rinsed my mouth with water.

I wrapped myself in a cozy robe and paddled down the hall to the kitchen. The tile floor is cool under my feet, and the kitchen is bathed in the soft glow of the morning light. I reached for the coffee pot and filled it with water, then measured out the perfect amount of coffee grounds.

As the coffee began to brew, I opened the fridge and took out a carton of eggs, some bacon, and a bunch of fresh fruit. The smell of coffee filled the kitchen, and the sizzle of the bacon on the pan was like music to my ears.

While cutting the fruits into a bowl, I heard the sound of the front door opening. Curious, I turned around and see HIM entering the kitchen. He's dressed in sweatpants, his muscles glistening with sweat from his workout at the gym.

I felt a rush of emotions as his intense gaze locked with mine, sending shivers down my spine. I tried to tear my gaze away but it turned out to be a difficult task.

My heart drummed loudly against my chest and I felt warmness in my cheeks. The air crackled with electricity as he slowly approached me. I nervously took a step back and tore my eyes from his intimidating ones.

'Is he doing this intentionally?' I wondered. The further he came the urge to want to disappear became stronger but that was highly impossible. I couldn't move back again because my body was pressed to the counter already.

The temperature in the room rose, and i couldn't control the feelings that washed over me.

"What do we have for breakfast chef?" his voice was low and husky. His whisper, a synonym to seduction and an agent that caused my clit to clog in heat.

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