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I sat at the corner of my room, gazing out at the falling snow

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I sat at the corner of my room, gazing out at the falling snow. The soft flakes danced in the air, creating a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. It was the perfect winter evening, and I couldn't help but feel content as I sat there, wrapped in my warm blanket.

But as much as I tried to relax and enjoy the peacefulness, my mind kept drifting back to the encounter I had at the mall earlier today. I couldn't shake off the image of the person I saw.

'What's he doing in Italy?'

...I'm sorry signora" the person apologized while he helped me pick my stuff from the floor. "It's no problem" I smiled, while I waited for him to be done.

The moment he looked up, I felt my whole body freeze under the familiar gaze of his eyes.

"Jake?" I whispered surprised. He was good at hiding his surprise which didn't faze me, what bothered me was the sly smile he had. Suddenly I felt anger in me as I remembered all he did to Marietta. I fisted my hand to avoid lashing out at him.

"I see you're the only one here, that best friend of yours, where's she?" I glared at him with all the hate and anger I had in me.

"Stay away from Marietta" I warned. My warning didn't faze him instead it only made his evil smile increase. He took a step closer and I instinctively walked back.

"I should be telling you that Luna. Stay away from our issue. Do me a favor and deliver this message to her; She can't keep hiding forever, I'll find her" he whispered dangerously in my ears and left.

What exactly does the monster want with her? Good thing she isn't actually with me and I really do hope wherever she is, she is safe and intend on staying there for a longer time.

I should take matter into hands and report Jake to the police but deep down I know that'll cause me and Marietta more harm than good.

My thoughts got interrupted by the loud ring from my phone. I looked down at the screen to see an unknown number. My brows furrowed in confusion.

Who could be calling me from an unknown number? I debated whether to answer or let it go to voice mail. But my curiosity got the best of me and I answered the call.

"Luna,"the voice on the other end said.

Surprisingly, it was her. After months of no contact, I finally heard from her again.

"Marietta, is that really you?'' I asked, trying to contain my excitement and control my sadness.

"It's me," she replied, her voice sounding sad and distant.

"Where are you? I haven't heard from you in months. I'm sick and worried, thought something bad had happened." I said, my frustration and hurt evident in my voice.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I just needed some time away, especially after what I went through" she explained and I became calm because I understood she needed the space and distance from everyone.

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