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We arrived at the site and I roamed my eyes around in awe

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We arrived at the site and I roamed my eyes around in awe.

"Good day Ms Sanchez" one of the workers came up and greeted her with a slight bow and she returned it with a polite smile.

"Good morning Thomas, how's everything coming along?" They began having a conversation while I kept my eyes trained on how everyone and all the machines worked in sync to achieve a goal.

The construction site scene was a symphony of activity. The workers had their hard hats and safety vests on and moved with purpose, their voices mingled with the rhythmic sounds of hammers pounding, bulldozers rumbling and cement mixers churning.

Towering cranes stretched their long arms into the sky, lifting heavy beams and materials with precision. Dust filled the air, adding a sense of gritty realism to the scene. It was a captivating portrayal of the organized chaos and raw energy of a construction site.

"Luna" her voice called me out of my thoughts and I looked away from the yellow crane to give her my attention. Thomas had left and was replaced by a tall Asian who stood beside her with a bright smile that could compete with the sun.

"Good morning"

"Guten Morgen" the German language mixed with his Japanese accent was a perfect blend but I was a little bit taken back because I certainly wasn't expecting him to greet me in a different language other than his or English.

"Luna, this is my architect and the person in charge of everything around here" she explained and realization dawned on me as I remembered when she was learning German language. So this was the reason but why didn't she go with someone who speaks English or Dominican Spanish?

"Hi, I'm Gunther" he introduced with his hand stretched out. My lips stretched into a small smile while I took his hand in mine.

"Luna" although he knew my name already I still felt the need to properly introduce myself. I followed them around the site while he explained the progress of their work and what was left for the incomplete building to finally be finished.

"Thank you Gunther, for everything. Do not fail to call me whenever something is needed" he smiled and bowed lightly. "It's my pleasure Ms Sanchez and whenever your attention is needed I'll ensure to send a message" Carina smiled and thanked him again.

He waved her off with a smile then steered his blue irises to my direction. "It was nice meeting you" he politely bowed. I didn't know how to react to his extremely respectful gesture so I just stood awkwardly with a smile.

"Same here" I whispered. He bid Carina good bye and went back in. When he was out of our view I turned to her.

"He's Germane or Japanese?"

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