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We sat in darkness, our eyes locked into each other's

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We sat in darkness, our eyes locked into each other's. The air was still, and the only loud sound was our shallow breathing. I could feel the tension between us. Finally, I was going to get the answers to everything.

For months, I had been haunted by questions that had no answers. My mind couldn't rest, always searching for the truth. But now, sitting here in this dark room with the person who held all the secrets, I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I was about to find out the truth.

Only the moonlight broke into the thick darkness, casting a mysterious glow around us. It was a faint light, but enough for me to make out the contours of his face. His mysterious eyes, finally portrayed clear emotions: regrets, guilt, sadness.. and many others that I couldn't decipher. I could see the struggles within himself which proved how serious and deep this was.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. This was it, this was the moment I had been waiting for.

"So what is it Russo?" I asked, my voice light as ever.

"My parents lost their lives few years after bringing Ariana into this world. It was a tragic phase of life for my elder sisters and I to take in, because, we had to play the role of Ariana's parents and sibling.

My parents weren't exactly the definition of "rich" but they had enough to provide a three square meal and ensured we lived a comfortable life. Slowly, things got harder, and we knew we had to do something about our financial situation, for the sake of little Ariana especially.

Serena did a lot for us, and not once did she ever show how much she was hurting but i knew, because every night, I heard her sobs from her room.

Janelle was more of the studious type and amongst the two of us, she had more potential and advantage academically, so I asked Serena to focus solely on her but she refused, she ensured and asserted that we both finished high-school.

I didn't graduate with overwhelming grades because I had little distractions in school, and I was just unable to focus on school while Janelle out did me, and I was happy that one of us could show Serena that all she did wasn't in vain"

"What were the distractions?" I interrupted. Although I had a feeling of what they were, I still wanted to hear him say it.

"The wrong crowd, and a girlfriend I thought I loved, Hilda. Despite my horrible grades, Serena still insisted I went to college, she didn't want to give up on me. I was so selfish, and blinded by love that i totally forgot about the situation of my family and the sacrifices my sister made to give me the opportunity most people were searching for.

My third year in college, I met with Claudia Marchesi. She was known for being one of the most wealthiest girl on campus, so I decided to make a hit on her. What I didn't know was that, she was also as smart as they said and I was caught in my own game.

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