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"Per anni ho aspettato di vedere di nuovo questi occhi angelici ed eccoti qui

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"Per anni ho aspettato di vedere di nuovo questi occhi angelici ed eccoti qui. Ti ho trovato mio angelo, non ti lascerò andare di nuovo" (For years I have waited to see these angelic eyes again and here you are, I found you my Angel, I won't let you go again) his deep and husky voice resonated with confidence and charm. Each word flowed effortlessly from his lips, carrying a captivating rhythm and melody.

The foreign language sounded so pleasant to the ears and made me want to listen to him over again. He slowly pulled away and left me in the clouds of my strange emotions and tussling thoughts.

I managed to pull myself together but I couldn't get over what transpired between us moments ago. I was so engrossed in my thoughts I didn't realize when another human joined me in the kitchen.

.....heyy, are you even listening to me?" I jolted out of my thoughts and turned to see Austin staring down at me with a worried look in his eyes. "Hey Austin"

"What's wrong chef, you don't look okay" i cracked a subtle smile and looked away from him.

"It's nothing, I was just lost in my head for awhile" I whispered and returned back to thinking about him.

"Okay, I respect that. By the way, are you done with making lunch? We need to hurry up before sir Russo and his guests arrive" the little piece of information piqued my attention and i looked at him quizzically.


"Yes chef. Emma got a message from Ms Serena, she informed us that he'll be having lunch at the mansion today along with his guests. Sorry we weren't here, we were not informed that the timetable for the kitchen has been adjusted but from tomorrow we'd be on time"

"It's fine, it's my bad, I should have informed you and lily. So about Mr Russo's guests, do you have any idea who they're?" I know my question was silly but I felt the need to ask, who knows, he may have an information I need to satisfy my curiosity and questions about the Serranos.

A light chuckle left his mouth and he shook his head.

"We aren't exactly best of friends with our bosses, chef, therefore it's safe to say we aren't acquainted with their personal life so I don't have the answer to that but one thing I'm sure of is that, he doesn't like tardiness so we better set the table before we get our ass fired" he flashed me a smile and disappeared into the pantry.

He's right about not knowing about their personal life but I still feel like they all know something which I don't. I pushed whatever I was thinking to the back of my head and decided to focus on my work but it was difficult.

Through my distracting thoughts I managed to get the tray filled up. Not knowing the amount of guests he was having and why he was having them was quite disturbing but I hoped the food wasn't inadequate for them and whatever the occasion may be.

Judging from our encounter four years ago, he doesn't really fancy my presence else he wouldn't have had to lie that Camila was his girlfriend to get rid of me so I have to be on my best traits to avoid his wrath. I didn't think it was necessary to wait for Emma or any of the other staff to serve the meal so I decided to do it myself.

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