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As I stepped out into the night air, i was immediately struck by the beauty of the garden

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As I stepped out into the night air, i was immediately struck by the beauty of the garden. The mansion was luxurious and the garden was no exception. The moonlight illuminated the flowers, and the stars twinkled above. As i walked further, I heard the sound of rustling leaves, coming from a small grove of trees. I followed the sound, and came upon a small girl sitting on a bench. She was staring up at the sky, her eyes fixed on a particularly bright star.

She was wearing a floral print pajamas and her hair was braided into two pigtails. Her eyes twinkled along with the stars and I couldn't help but stare at the gorgeous Angel.

There's just something about the innocence and beauty of children that makes me adore them so much and wish I could go back to that stage of my life again.

I went to stay beside her and as if sensing my presence she shifted her brown orbs to my direction.

"Hi sweetheart" i greeted with a smile and in no time her teeth were in display.

"Hey pretty auntie, why are you here?" A soft laugh left my lips and I shook my head.

"You don't have to call me auntie sweetheart, my name is Luna and I work here" her eyes widened in surprise and she had excitement swimming in them.

"Really? You stay with us?" I nodded with a smile.

"Why are you so excited Arie?" She giggled and looked down at her swinging feet.

"Because I like you Ms Luna. You're so pretty and I want to be around you" I've gotten a lot of compliments about how attractive I was but nothing hits deeper than a child's own.

"Aww, that's so sweet of you, come here" I opened my arms and she didn't hesitate to jump into my embrace. I took in her fruity fragrance and I found peace and comfort in her hug.

"So tell me Ms Luna, what do you do here?" She inquired with curiosity clear in her eyes.

"Hmm" I pretended to think while I stared at the dark sky like it'd magically produce the answer.

"Did you like what you had for lunch at school?" She nodded with a grin. "And how about dinner?"

"It was so yummy Ms Luna, I enjoyed it. Did you make them?"

"Yes sweetheart, I made all of them, so I'm sure you already guessed what I do here" I wiggled my brows at her with a playful smile.

"You are the new chef"

"That's right little Angel" I pulled her nose which made her giggle.

"Wow! I'm going to eat a lot and get fat because your meal was very very delicious and I can't wait to eat more of them" she complimented but with a little bit of drama attached to her actions.

We had a fun filled conversation and I must say it was comforting spending time with her. She yawned tiredly and stretched her little arms.

"I want to go to bed Ms Luna but first can I have some desserts?" She asked with cute eyes and of course I couldn't resist that.

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