Bonus chapter 1

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Heavy sexual content

......Jake and I met in college. We've been together ever since. We had the 'perfect relationship everyone wishes to have but along the line things changed.

After we got married, things started to go down the drain for him, financially. It made him close his heart and as a result, he began sleeping around, drinking, and hitting me.

I couldn't tell my parents because they disowned me after I went against their wishes to be with him, although I knew my mother would have welcomed me if I went, still i didn't, I was filled with so much guilt and shame, i couldn't just face them.

Luna, my best friend, was the only person who came through for me, at my worst times and at odd hours, she was there. So many times she asked me to leave him, b..but I couldn't because I 'loved' him.

I took his verbal, physical and sexual abuse with no words but it got to a point I couldn't do it anymore.

Luna helped me escape but I couldn't endanger my best friend's life, I knew how psychopathic Jake could get so i had to leave Luna and save her from the danger of being there for me.

I went to Philadelphia, my grandma lived there, she was the only family I could depend on. Months passed, and I slowly forgot about my trauma with Jake. Every day that passed, I woke up with guilt" I paused, my tears rolling uncontrollably.

I couldn't look her in the eyes, because I was scared, scared to see the look in them.

Mila was the nurse hired by Luna's husband, Russo, to take care of me. Over the weeks, I've grown to be fund of her. And just like Luna, she has been there for me, whenever I felt horrible about everything I went through, at odd hours, she stayed with me and let me cry on her shoulders, so I believed she wouldn't judge me.

"Why did you feel guilty?"

"Because I felt like an ungrateful bitch. After everything Luna did for me, she didn't deserve to be cut off so easily. I knew that she was worried but I was too focused on my problems that I forgot to acknowledge the one person who was ready to help me fight them.

I always wanted to be a tourist, I got a job over in Scotland, also my grandma wanted us to move  away from Philadelphia. After days and nights of pondering, i finally called Luna. Luckily, she didn't despise me, instead she understood me which I was grateful for.

She informed me about an encounter she had with Jake, and I knew that, if I didn't do something about it, he'd drag her into our mess. Also i couldn't hide forever, I had to put and end to Jake, once and for all, so I went to Italy.

Unfortunately, I wasn't smart and quick enough, I got abducted. And, once again, he made me relive the horrible past her created for me"

By the time I was done narrating, I was a ball of crying mess.

"Come here" Mila pulled me into her embrace. "It's okay, everything will be just fine." She whispered soothingly in my ears.

After I was calm, she went to get a glass of cold water for me. "Here" she handed me the glass. "Thank you" I whispered and took it from her.

While I gulped the chilled liquid, she caressed my shoulder to soothe me. She took the glass after I was done and dropped it on the coffee table.

"I'm glad you opened up to me Marietta, I promise I'm going to do all I can to help you go through this." I smiled at her and thanked her again.

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