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As we drove through the busy streets, I couldn't help but feel anxious

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As we drove through the busy streets, I couldn't help but feel anxious. I was finally going to see Raphael after what felt like an eternity. I looked over at Russo who held my hand tightly as he navigated through the traffic.

We pulled up to the hospital entrance and I took a deep breath before getting out of the car. Russo helped me gather the bags of food and gifts we had brought for him. We walked through the revolving doors and made our way to the elevators.

As we walked, the smell of disinfectant and the sounds of beeping machines filled the air, it reminded me of the times I followed Carina to the hospital whenever she had a patient to attend to.

Finally, we arrived at his room and I felt my heart race with nervousness. I knocked softly on the door before entering. He laid in the bed with tubes and wires attached to him, but his face lit up as he saw us walk in.

"Luna" he called in a weak voice. The tears I've been holding ran down my cheeks and I dashed towards him.

"Ralph" I choked on my sob and carefully wrapped my hands around his torso.

"I'm so happy you made it" I whispered between my sobs.

"Luna, heyy" his groggy, weak voice pitched in and i slowly pulled away to look at him. A delicate smile cracked up on his lips and he signaled me to sit beside him.

"Stop crying okay? You know it pains me when you do. Look, I'm alive and also getting better, so stop worrying so much and even though I did die, do you think I'd be happy seeing you....

"Don't talk about death like that" I scolded him and he smiled. "Okay okay, I'm sorry, but don't worry so much okay?" I nodded and wiped the tears that kept flowing with the back of my hand.

"Raphael" Russo interrupted the moment. "Boss" He tried straining his neck to look at him but Russo stopped him. "You'll hurt yourself"

"I'm sorry I let you down, I didn't know....

"You know, if Carina hears you apologizing, she'll probably not let me hear the end of it" we both laughed and in that moment she dashed in.

"Ralph they don't have chicken s... She stopped mid way in her sentence when she saw us. A smile graced her lips but died down as soon as she spotted Russo. Although she wasn't pleased, she didn't have so much hate in her eyes anymore.

"I didn't know you were here" she hugged me then turned to Raphael to convey her unfinished message.

"The hospital doesn't have the chicken soup you asked for Ralph, Kim went to prepare some for you"

"Chicken soup? That's what I got" she sighed in relief.

"Well that's good, I'll just ask Kimberly to prepare something else for dinner" I nodded and she left.

"Do you wish to eat now?" He nodded and I began taking out the stuff for him while he spoke to Russo in Italian.

When they were done with their mysterious conversation, i spent the next few hours talking and updating him about my life.

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