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As I rushed through my morning routine, my mind was focused on one thing- Raphael

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As I rushed through my morning routine, my mind was focused on one thing- Raphael. My heart ached at the thought of his pain but I reminded myself to be positive about the situation. I quickly dressed in a simple blue dress and grabbed my bag before heading out the door.

"Good morning ma'am" Jonathan greeted, and I replied with a weak smile. He got the door for me, I thanked him and got in.

As we drove towards the hospital, my phone rang. I glanced at it and saw it was Priscilla, my assistant. I hesitantly answered, hoping that there was nothing wrong. I listened as she explained the matter that needed my attention. A heavy sigh exuded from my lips and I ran my fingers in my curls.

"You can handle that Priscilla, if you think it's really too much then get in touch with any of the Serrano sisters or Gisella, I'm sure they'd be able to handle that. Remember, this event is extremely important, do not mess it up" I warned.

"Yes ma'am" I hung up and kept my phone in my pouch.

When I arrived at the hospital, I quickly made my way to his room. Seeing him lying in the hospital bed, weak and fragile, brought tears to my eyes. I sat by his side, holding his hand and whispering words of comfort.

"Please wake up Raphael. I really do hope you're fighting hard, hard enough to come back to us" I sobbed softly while clutching onto his hand.

The door creaked opened and Carina walked in, she looked exhausted and sad. When she noticed my presence she was surprised, nevertheless she had a smile.

"Why are you here Luna? Don't you have an event to take care of?" She pulled out the chair beside him on the other side of the bed.

"I know" I sighed. "But this is more important"

"Luna," she dragged and gave me a pointed look.

"You know how important that event is to the Serranos, i get you're worried about him but trust me, he will be fine. In no time he'd be awake, I assure you" she tried easing the situation but it didn't help. It seemed like with every day that passed, my faith wavered.

"But- "But nothing, after today you need to focus on your job, the event is in a week time" I said nothing for a while, I just stared at her.

"Two days is Christmas sis, y..you think I'll let you spend it in the hospital alone?" She looked away from me to hide the sadness.

"Nothing can be done Luna, we have to accept our reality. As for you, I won't let you spend the holiday here" I rolled my eyes at her silly decision.

"So bold of you to say..... "Raphael?" A foreign voice interrupted my yet to be said speech and we turned our attention to the door.

A curvy Latina woman stood at the hospital doorway, her gray eyes red and swollen from crying.

Her long, curly hair was tied back in a messy bun, and she was dressed in jeans and a baggy T-shirt. There was a haunted look in her eyes, a look of grief and despair. She seemed lost, like she was barely holding herself together.

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