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The sunset casts its golden hues on her brown skin as she descended the staircase like a goddess of the morning

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The sunset casts its golden hues on her brown skin as she descended the staircase like a goddess of the morning. Her brown skin was radiant in the morning light, like liquid gold pouring down the stairs.

Her curvy body, a masterpiece of artistry, was adorned in a white dress that hugged her like a gentle embrace. Her hair was coiled in an intricate updo, like a crown of braided ropes. Her eyes were warm and deep, like pools of amber honey and her lips were coated with shiny gloss.

With each step, she moved with the grace of a gazelle, her thighs whispering secrets of strength and allure. The staircase itself seemed to come alive, bowing down in admiration, as if paying homage to her beauty.

As she descended, time slowed down, capturing every mesmerizing detail. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, it's as if the world seized my breath. My gaze was fixed on the brown-skinned beauty before me, captivated by her presence. I was lost in a trance of admiration, enamored by her radiance and grace.

She exuded an aura of charm and dignity, and i found myself drawn to her like a moth to a flame. She was a vision of loveliness, and i felt my heart flutter with every breath she took.

Her glossed lips curved upward in charming smile and my breath caught up in my throat. Her smile was like the sun breaking through the clouds, a sudden burst of radiance that pierced through the haze of my mind.

I felt a surge of warmth rush through my body, a wave of emotion that left me feeling giddy and light-headed.

I realized I was staring so much so I cleared my throat, attempting to regain my composure and appear more confident. With a gentle yet firm grip, I took her hand and led her outside.

Once we were fully settled in the car, I turned my gaze to her beautiful face. "Sei così bella(You're so beautiful)" I whispered. A look of confusion swirled in her eyes but what had me captive was that look of curiosity that made her appear more attractive.

"W..what does that mean?" I chuckled and shook my head.

"It's nothing you have to worry yourself about Tesoro. Here, I got you something" I opened the blue velvet box that contained the piece of jewel I got for her, four years back.

Her caramel eyes sparkled as she opened the gift, her lips curving into a delighted smile. Her expression was one of pure joy, a look that lit up her face and radiated happiness. She was clearly touched by the gesture, and her gratitude was evident in the way she beamed at me.

"R..Russo you didn't have to" she whispered as she stared at the set of jewelry that had the symbols of her name as its charms. The look on her face was priceless and I could spend my entire wealth just to see her like this every second of my life.

I took the box from her hand and grabbed her wrist. I removed the previous bracelet and locked the one I got for her around her wrist, all the while I felt her eyes on me but I refused to look at her because I knew they were glossy and I didn't trust my impulsive actions.

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