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Our time in the mansion was long spent because their meeting was quite a lengthy one

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Our time in the mansion was long spent because their meeting was quite a lengthy one. We left the place at mid-noon, heading to our next destination which i had no clue about.

We arrived at a magnificent tall building and he skillfully rolled the car into a spot at the parking lot. He instructed me to wait while he got down and came to get the door for me.

I realized that we were at a hotel. "A hotel? Why are we here Russo?"

"Just follow my lead," he replied, leading us inside. As we walked through the door of the hotel, we were immediately struck by the opulence and grandeur of the lobby. Chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, and a large marble fireplace roared with life. Richly patterned carpets lined the floor, and the massive crystal chandelier cast its light over the scene.

He led us to the front desk where we were warmly welcomed with a smile by the clerk.

"Good afternoon sir" she greeted.

"Russo Serrano" she nodded and checked her laptop before handing a keycard to him.

"Have a nice time sir" he gave no further reply and gently pulled me with him.

The elevator door closed with a soft ding, and we found ourselves alone in the small space. He pressed the button for our floor, and the elevator began to ascend.

The air was heavy with anticipation, with my mind lingering in my head searching for possible reasons why we're here. The elevator seemed to take an eternity to reach our floor, and when it finally did, we stepped out into the hallway and walked down the hall to our room.

Stepping into the lavish hotel suite, we found ourselves surrounded by an air of luxury. Rich textures of velvet and silk adorned the furnishings, complementing the maroon and deep lavender paint

The breathtaking view from the floor-to-ceiling windows caught my attention. The city skyline stretched out before me, with glowing orange lights that spreads its colors in the fading blue sky.

My attention was then drawn to the inviting king-sized bed, adorned with crisp white sheets that beckoned me to sink into its plush comfort.

The headboard was an exquisite piece of craftsmanship, intricately carved and upholstered in a luxurious fabric that added a touch of elegance to the room. The pillows were plump and inviting, promising a night of blissful rest.

Nearby, a cozy seating area was set up, complete with a plush sofa and a couple of armchairs. The upholstery was velvety smooth, and the cushions were so soft that sinking into them feels like being enveloped in a cloud.

A coffee table sits at the center, adorned with a fresh bouquet of flowers, adding a touch of vibrancy to the space. A mini bar stocked with an assortment of beverages and snacks tempts me to indulge in a little treat.

"Come with me" came his short yet dominating order.

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