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February 14, 1982

Valentine's Day. Almost every couple is excited and looking forward to this big day. Planning this and that and almost the entire country are glowing with hearts. It's like this was he only day the earth became a heart instead of staying round.

But not for all. Of course.

Sena. A young and handsome high school student. Straight up hates the idea of couples having to enjoy this day. It's not because he's irked by couples. It's just he hates how everyone's pretending like it's the most important holiday than National Heroes or the Veterans Day.

It's almost as if they can't get enough of each other. Always being lovey dovey in class. Publicly displaying their make out sessions sitting on their car's hood.

It's so annoying that everytime Sena sees them. He feels like he's gonna throw up. Everyone's like living the perfect life with the perfect someone. While he. All single and alone.

Although Sena got the looks, height and brains. But only his social skills are the mimus points. He doesn't do well with girls that tries to flirt with him. He'd always respond...

"I'm not interested with you. So please stop flirting with me."

He'll tell it with a straight face which actually gave him the nickname of "DIY " or disinterested with you. Some of his friend even tried to set him up but he always give the same response and not a single woman had ever caught his attention.

His friends eventually gave up on him and decided to stop setting him up on random ladies. Leaving him with his favorite hobby of all time that they actually suspect to be better than women for him.

Sena has a strong liking when it comes to photography. Wherever he goes, he always carry a camera with him. He is also a part of the school's journalism club which publishes newspaper once a week and he's always the one in charge with taking the photos.

But this favorite hobby isn't really to his parents' liking. Sena is an only son so they want to marry him to the daughter of their business partner once he graduates college. They want him to take over the company in the future and become a successful business man. His parents believe that his love for photography is only just a phase part of his growing puberty. And they demanded him to stop it once he enters college so he can focus studying about business.

Sena always has a distaste for business attire. He never really fancy it because it feels so suffocating and formal.

"Hey Sena. Are you coming or not?!" His friend Tony called after whistling at him.

It's after class and his circle of friends invited him to watch a movie at the newly opened theater.

"Yeah sure. Just a sec." Sena closed his locker after leaving his books.

He then tagged along with his friends and walking to their car. The drive to the theater took a half an hour at least. And it was so loud with the music blasting in both of their cars which actually earned them a dissatisfied cahoots from other people on the road.

When they got to the theater, the group stayed on line trying to choose which movie to watch.

"Gee! What's good to watch?" His best friend Calvin asks while chewing on his gum.

"It's all about soldiers and what's that? Snakes?" Another one said, namely Tony.

"There's not any good movies at all! What do you guys say? Let's go to the carnival instead!" Another one suggested, a girl named Ruby and is Calvin's current girlfriend. But the girl has a secret crush on Sena and tries her best to know everything about him.

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