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"Luna! Where are you going!!?" Bella yelled as she chased after her friend.

After she saw Jared's outfit. Which he claims his father bought as a rare collection.
Luna knew he had seen it before. If there's one thing she's proud of. It is that she has a retentive and photographic memory.

She knew she met those people last night. Even that guy.

"I know what I saw!" Luna exclaimed as she stopped briefly to face Bella and Jared's confused faces before walking away again.

"You mean the woods? Julian said you went near the woods in the park!" Jared asks and Bella immediately scoffs.

"Nonsense! If you're talking about the Magic Island themed park! That's entirely impossible because it's surrounded by buildings!" Bella stated with heavy breaths while still trying to catch up with Luna.

"Bella and I have been there since it opened! There's no woods in that park!" Jared added, making Luna stop abruptly and glared at them.

"I'm not fu**ing lying! And I know what I saw! I'm gonna find Sena and prove to you all that I'm telling the truth!" She said and was about to walk away again but Bella grabbed her arm.

"Who's Sena?" She asked.

"He was the guy I met last night! He and his friends hang out in a tent near the woods." She explained before pulling back her arm.

Jared and Bella exchanged looks at each other before she let out a deep sigh.

"Fine! Let us go with you then!" She said which immediately made Luna frown. "Introduce Sena to us then." She said before walking ahead first.

The three decided to ditch classes and snuck out of the school. They had to walk on foot since Jared's car is in the school's lot so taking it would make them caught by the school guards.

They arrived at the park eventually and the three stood in front of the entrance while staring at the large name on the arc.

"Something's off with this park." Luna mumbled.

"It's odd... It's a weekday but there's so many people as if it's a festival every day. I've never seen a park like this before, even for those that just recently opened." Jared adds while watching hundreds of people going inside the park.

He doesn't see a lot of people leaving. Instead, a lot more and more are coming.

"Yeah. I've never even seen so many people like this in a mall either." Bella also comments while scanning everyone.

She couldn't help but notice how everyone seems to have one dress code. And Jared is fitting quite exactly among them.

"But how do we know he'll be here?" Bella suddenly asks and turns to Luna.

The girl huffs. She didn't exactly think of that.

"He will be. I don't think his friends would be away from a lively place like this." She said despite doubting it herself.

"Let's just find the woods first and wait for him there, then." Jared suggested.

The three eventually walked inside. Almost getting separated due to the crowded people. Luna spotted the Antique shop again which seems to be the only place where they won't be crowded and squeezed like sandwiches by the crowd.

"There!!!" Luna felt like her voice almost broke after she had to scream at Bella and Jared to point them to the shop.

The three struggled to get there but they made it anyway after a few minutes.

"Fu**! Anybody would lose a thing or two here! Pickpockets would be making a ton!" Jared exclaimed as they stood in front of the door and watched the unbothered crowd that almost seemed to be unmoving.

"There's so many people. Are you sure we can find him at this rate? I don't think the headcount will go down by nightfall. It might as well bring in more people." Bella comments while watching the crowd with a heavy crown.

"Yeah! And we won't be able to find our way out! I'm surprised nobody's suffocated at this place!" Jared huffs.

The big crowd would've made the atmosphere too hot. Considering the hundreds of food stalls cooking everywhere.
But it was surprisingly cold. The three of them were finding it more and more confusing.

"Let's get inside first." Luna said and opened the door to get in the shop. Jared and Bella followed after.

When Jared closed the door. It's as if the loud noise of the crown became instantly muffled and the surroundings became quiet.

The three definitely noticed it and shared confused looks at each other.

"Is this where you took your photo?" Bella decides to ask, remembering the photo strip that Luna showed earlier.

"Yeah. That photo booth." She said and pointed at the old and almost worn out photo booth by the wall.

"You could've just picked any item here and made something up." Bella chuckles and beckons at the old items they see on the aisles.

"Whatever." Luna rolls her eyes and walks around the shop. They are the only ones there.

Well except...

"Hello! What are you looking for?" It was the same boy who was looking after the shop.

"We'll manage. We just want to look around first." Jared said and smiled at the boy.

"Okay. I will be at the counter if you have questions." The boy said gleefully and went to his post.

The three exchanged looks at each other first before they looked around anyway. Luna happened to walk near the photo booth again.

As if it was pulling her.

She stared at the spot where Sena fell. A smile found its way to his face remembering the adorable look on his face.

She's never seen someone like him before. Plus he is also tall. Probably the tallest man she's ever seen.

"He's cute." She chuckled and decided to get inside the booth.

She sat on the old chair and scanned the old decorations again. She found them pretty at first glance. But the more she stared at the decorations, the more she could clearly see what they were.

Clocks and camera films. There were two clocks that point at different times and it is connected by the film. Although what's weird about the clock is that the one on the left only has one hand and points on the 12 time stamp. While the clock on the right looked normal pointing at 5:53 pm.

"Blue hour..." Luna mumbled as she traced the old design with her fingers.

She looked at the other decorations and also saw hourglasses and stopwatches spread among cameras and films.
But she spotted something that looked obviously not part of the direction. It was on the ceiling.

Luna stood up and tried to step on the chair to reach it and look at it properly. It looks like a scribble of a sentence she couldn't seem to read properly without getting closer.

"Luna-!" Bella's voice suddenly surprised her and she almost slipped from the chair had she not held on to the control panel. Accidentally pressing the camera shutter.

The booth started taking her pictures again by accident. Luna growls seeing the result of her face who looked terribly caught off guard.

"Ugh! I'm seriously gonna-" Luna didn't finish when the curtain suddenly opened.

She stepped back and pinned herself to the wall of the booth with surprise. Seeing the same familiar face who looked equally surprised as her.

"You again!"

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