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"What's a selfie?" He asked with the most questioning yet adorable face.

Luna was first quiet for the first few seconds before she burst into loud fits of laughter.
Sena is beyond dumbfounded as to what she was laughing about. But he had never seen any woman laugh as hard as her before.

Most of the girls he knows also laugh but not in a very loud and carefree way. But what he finds more interesting is that Luna doesn't seem to care at all despite getting the attention of the store owner who was as usual busy wiping a mug on the counter.

"This is a selfie." Luna said after she finished laughing.

She opened her phone again and put on the camera. Then she pulled Sena incredibly close to her side before taking a selfie with him. Capturing his flustered face.

After taking the picture, she showed it to him and Sena looked so amazed as if he had seen another magic.

"Relax. If you have a phone, you've probably done this a lot." She said in a little playful tone.

"We have a phone at home and it doesn't do magic and take photos so quickly!" Sena heavily defended and pointed at the phone.

"Are you sure that it is a phone? I think that is a camera!" He added making Luna furrow her brows.

"Whatever. Just take me to that place. I bet you and your friends hangout there all the time." Luna said with a huff and turned to the window.

Only to see the large crowd she tried so hard to escape from earlier.

"I'd love to take you there." Sena chuckles with a cute pout as he too watches the crowd. "But there's no way we're getting out of that." He added as he put his hands in his pocket.

"I know." She sighed and then realized something.

Luna looks around the shop. Trying to find two faces she came with earlier. But it was just her and Sena. Also the man on the counter.

Bella and Jared are nowhere to be seen in the store.

"When you came here. Did you see a couple who was around? The guy was also dressed exactly like you did yesterday." She asked and Sena also looked around before turning back to her. Shaking his head.

"I thought I was the only one in the shop. If we exclude the owner." He answered.

"That's impossible. They were here and even called for me right before we saw each other earlier." Luna insisted.

"You would definitely see them or even bump into them if they left the shop."

"I didn't see anyone. I promise." Sena answered quite intimidated since Luna was beginning to raise her tone. Evidently upset which he finds a bit scary.

Luna looked around with a huff. Putting both her hands on her waist.

"Bella!!! Jared!!!" She suddenly screamed their names making Sena flinch.

"Bella!!!!!" She screams again and walks around the shop trying to find the girl.

"I swear to God! If y'all ditched me just to make out in God knows where! I'm gonna fu**ing pluck your eyelashes!!!!" Luna was yelling angrily which was the least of Sena's expectations.

He scooted away. Intimidated and afraid she might get angry at him too. Because why would he anger her now if her face literally says murder.

"I'm gonna kill her." Luna said bluntly before turning to Sena.

"Let's just go."

"Yup! Why not." Sena said almost immediately and walked towards the door first.

As the two walked out of the shop, it was no surprise to be greeted by a loud and cramped crowd.
Sena huffs, hoping it won't add to the fuel and just anger Luna even more.

"Come on." She said and walked towards the crowd first.

Sena was hesitant but figured to walk behind her anyway. Eventually, they got stuck in the middle and Sena was struggling to follow Luna because of the people he was letting pass first.

Luna realized he wasn't following when he was supposed to lead the way. She turned to him right away with an angry face. But that faded right away after seeing his face.

He was pouting while letting the people pass first as if they were on a priority lane. Only for him to remain standing there like a post and being squeezed and ignored by the crowd.

Luna decided to just drag him because he's too nice for his own good. She literally pushed everyone on her way just to get back to him. Then grabbing his wrist and dragging the tall man with her.

Sena on the other hand was freaked out because Luna was pushing the people away from her path. Sena had to point the right away until they eventually got to the spot where he and his friends hangout.

"I knew it!" Luna exclaimed with a victorious smile and opened her phone's camera again.

She started taking photos of the trees and the tents. And even Sena who was standing like a lost soul beside her.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm taking proofs." She said while checking the photos she had captured. Smiling in satisfaction that she got what she needed.

"Proof for what?"

"My friends wouldn't believe I was here. I would've taken them here myself, but I didn't remember the way because the place was big." She explained while looking around to find a place to sit.

"And besides, you saw the crowd. We couldn't even make it far so we went inside the shop. I was hoping we'd run into you so I can introduce you to them but I guess they thought I ditched them."

"If they're your friends. Why wouldn't they believe you?" Sena asks and also beckons the girl to follow him so they can sit down.

She took Luna to an old tent where he and his friends hung out. The place looks clean enough but there's still a lot of old stuff inside the tent.

"If one of your female friends tells you she's pregnant, would you believe her right away?" Luna bluntly asks as she takes a seat.

She couldn't help but let out a small smile seeing Sena's thinking face. It was meant to be a joke but she didn't think he'd think of answering it seriously.

"I guess I would. My friends are the type to get sexually active considering how they always make out at school." He answered with an innocent face and Luna suddenly frowned but was soon followed by a stifled laugh.

"Gosh! I did not need to know that!" She said as she laughed which only made Sena's face more confused.

"But you asked. However, my point is I'd believe them if they tell me something that I can believe considering everything I know about my friends."

"Besides. If it's not real, I could definitely tell right away because we've been friends for a long time and it's easy to tell when your friends are-"

"You can just say yes or no, Sena." Luna chuckled and found it rather cute that he suddenly started talking comfortably with a cute pout on his lips.

"Yes." He said almost right away and flickered his eyes.

"So how long do you think we need to stay here? With all those people out there?" She asks and looks by the open curtain to see that the crowd is still packed and growing.

Sena looked at it too and sighed.

"Let's just go around." He said and stood up. "If we take the woods, it'll take us to the beach." He added and beckoned at the woods behind them.

"A beach?"

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