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"What are we supposed to tell your family when we arrive? I can't just stay at your house just because you can say I'm a friend from the future." Luna rambles as she watches Sena's thinking face.

He looks absolutely cute. His brows were furrowed and his lips were pouting. He's driving the car while continuously tapping his point finger on the wheel.

"I'm sure they'll believe me if I tell them you're from the future." He said, but he sounded unsure either.

"What about this? Tell them you got me pregnant and-"

Sena suddenly stepped on the break in the middle of the freeway. Then he slowly turned to a confused Luna with a very flushed face.

"W-what?" He said and his face looks so red that Luna bursts out laughing.

"Why? Does your time not have a teenage pregnancy yet?" She asked as she laughed. "It's becoming a pretty common case in the future." She added.

"T-there is... But... I don't think my parents will believe that. I never even had a girlfriend before! And Amy can vouch for it!" Sena stammered and gripped the wheel nervously.

He could only imagine how furious it would make his father. He'd be extremely disappointed. After all, he's their only son.

"Then what other ideas do you suggest?" She asks and leans closer to Sena to tease him while the latter leans back nervously.

"See? I know it sounds bad but that's the only way I know your parents will let me stay with no question. Besides, it will just be for a few days. I'm not gonna stop figuring out how to go home. Just because I got stuck here, it doesn't mean I'd stay here forever." Luna stated calmly as she leaned back to sit properly.

"How long do you think that will take?" Sena asks curiously.

"I don't know. But hopefully it'll be quick. I wouldn't wanna lie to your parents for a long time. I'll tell them the truth myself once I know my way home." Luna replies in a serious tone and then looks at Sena.

"If it seems too much for you. We can think of something else." She said and Sena stared at her for a few seconds before shaking his head.

"No. You're right. It's the only way they'll let you stay. If I tell them you're just a friend and Amy hears about it, she'll bug me to let you stay with her instead." He explained as he started the engine again.

"Amy's very loud and she might tell everyone if she learns you're from the future. The least I can do is bear with the consequences to make sure you're gonna stay okay until you can go back to your time." He added and eventually continued to drive.

"But is this okay with you? You're helping me out who is a complete stranger... I-its not like I'm offering anything in return."

"I know. But the fact that I know you from the future gives it all. I don't need anything else." Sena chuckles and briefly looks at her. "Knowing you and being your friend is more than enough."

The ride was quiet for about a few minutes. Luna could but think of how he can repay Sena for this big favor.

They barely know each other. But Sena's helping her anyway.

"Sena... since I am staying with you. Why don't you show me your world in my time here?" She asked and Sena looked at her with a confused expression.

"So when I find my way home... I'll find a way to show you my world too..."

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