𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖

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"Good morning." Sena greeted his friends and walked into the living room with Luna.

They were holding hands which was part of Luna's plan. She immediately saw Ruby's smile slowly fading away upon seeing her and the way her eyes were immediately drawn to their intertwined hands.

"We're so glad you're safe, Sena." Hanz said to him.

"So!" Amy stands up and suddenly approaches the two. More like approaching Luna with a full smile on her face.

"We heard the news! Is it true?" She asked and discreetly looked at Luna's stomach and facing her right away.

Luna cleared her throat and looked at Sena. He might've missed the part where Amy is very clingy and talkative. Too friendly for her own good.

"Come on. Why don't you guys take a seat?" She said and practically shoved Tony and Hanz from the couch so the three of them could sit down.

Even Sena's male friends noticed their holding hands. Which had not let go since they showed up in the room.

"It's a long story. I'm sorry I never mentioned her." Sena said to Amy and looked to the rest of his friends as well.

"It's alright. I'm pretty sure you had your reasons." Calvin chuckled. "Just make sure that you don't make it look like you're running away again. You scared the sh*t out of us." He added and the guys only just laughed.

"Well. Aren't you gonna tell us how you guys met? And when?" Amy asked with excitement.

Sena and Luna only exchanged looks with each other before the girl answered.

"The antique shop." She said which made the group quote perplexed.

"The shop? Y-you mean the shop in the carnival?" Tony clarified and Ruby suddenly scoffed.

"The carnival was built literally like a week ago or so. It's impossible that you meet there first if you're pregnant!" She said which made Sena and Luna exchange panic gazes.

"S-she wasn't referring to that antique shop." Sena immediately rebutted. "It was from a year ago." He said and suddenly remembered the trip where he left the country alone to visit his grandmother Australia.

"I met her last year. When I went to visit my grandmother." He added almost right away.

"Oh! Wasn't that the time you spent the vacation in Australia?" Amy exclaimed bitterly remembering how much Ruby bugged her to always video call Sena so they could talk.

"Yeah." Sena chuckled in relief, especially seeing that the boys seemed to be buying his lies.

"We were both in an antique shop to bring something as memorabilia. Then we met again on the plane. He was sitting next to me." Luna decides to add.

"So where are you from?" Hanz asked and Calvin suddenly laughed and playfully nudged him.

"San Diego." Luna replied timidly and they suddenly made an 'O' reaction.

"So that's why you were gone for days!" Tony laughed. "Why drive if you could've just gotten on a plane!" He added.

"Then what are you doing here if you live so far away?" Ruby asked in a rather irritated tone.

"Duh! Is that even a question?" Luan suddenly replied sarcastically which made Amy a little surprised.

It's probably the second time she's seen Luna being snarky around Ruby. Just like the first time they saw her in the carnival.

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