𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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"Isn't she a blessing? Our prayers have been answered." She said and smiled at the girl again.

"What?" Sena blinks his eyes and looks at his mom dumbfounded.

"Oh. Don't worry. I'm more relieved to hear you're being a father! It means you are not gay!" She said so happily that Luna felt like she was in a dream. Because she makes no sense at all.

"What!?" Sena exclaimed and then looked at his father. "You think I'm gay?"

"Well." His father cleared his throat and looked at his wife before looking back at his son. "We've been thinking why you're not seeing anyone. Even Amy says you won't talk to any girls. So we thought you must be interested in the same gender." His father explains.

"I mean not that it's a horrible idea. We were just sad we might never get a grandchild. But I guess she's the answer to our prayers." He even added happily and turned to Luna.

"You must've been exhausted from your long trip. Have you eaten anything? Of course you didn't!" Sena's mom said and suddenly grabbed her son before pulling the two towards the stairs.

"Sena, dear. Be a good partner and take her to your room. Your father will call you when dinner is ready." She said before gently pushing them.

Luna and Sena exchanged looks with each other. Sena figures to bring her to his room before they get questioned again.
And once it was just them...

"What was that?! I thought your father was gonna beat you or something!" Luna whispered while Sena just dropped himself on his bed with an exhausted sigh.

"Trust me! I'm more surprised that they think I'm gay!" He said and side eyed the girl who sat on the chair by his desk.

"I mean, why on earth would they think that!? I'm literally hanging out with Calvin and all the other guys!" Sena said with an offended tone and sat up to properly face Luna.

"Maybe because you hang around guys so much that your parents worry you're afraid of girls!" She said and Sena immediately scoffed with displeasure.

"And if I hangout with the ladies, what would they call me? A womanizer! Calvin's gone through that, I still remember Ruby getting suspended because she fought with the professor who called him that." He said and laughed at the last part.

"But wouldn't you care more about what your parents think of you than what others think?" She asked.

"I know. But I don't know how logical it is that they think I'm gay. Aren't they more worried by the fact that I told them you're pregnant? I feel quite horrible because I've been worried for nothing!"

"But it still feels off that my parents think of me that way! I mean, do I not seem manly enough to them?!"

"Or maybe because I'm being too neat. But if I act too carefree, won't that make me look irresponsible?"

Sena had eventually stood up and was walking back and forth as he continued yapping by himself. While Luna just quietly listens as she takes her time scanning the room.

"You look cute here!" Luna suddenly giggles seeing Sena's baby pictures on top of his small bookshelf.

"Oh. That!" Sena somehow snaps back to reality when he heard her speak.

"My mom insists on putting them there because I didn't want them in the living area." He said followed by a light chuckle.

"Why not? You look cute in these pics!"

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