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"You alright?" Luna chuckled as she offered her hand to help up the young but tall man on the floor.

Luna unconsciously stared at his face. She's been around the city and had probably seen all bachelors around. But this guy seems new. She had never seen him before, even in school.

The guy accepted her hand as he stood up and then tapped his clothes clean. His eyes though remained glued to her as if she is the most interesting he's ever laid his eyes on.

"You uh... Y-you're not from around here?" He asked with a deep and husky voice. It sounded like music.

Lia smiles at him and puts her hands on both sides of her waist. Looking at the man and obviously checking him out from head to toe. But for the guy, it seemed quite odd or a little rude since no one ever does that to his face.

"Actually I am. But I bet you aren't!" She said and stared at his gorgeous face.

Man. He looks like sculpted by a God.
She thought at the back of her mind.

"I live near the area." The guy said and cleared his throat.

"I'm Sena by the way..." He introduced himself and reached out for a handshake.

Luna giggled and gladly accepted it. Hearing her do that somehow tickled something in Sena. He's heard it a lot from many ladies before but it never really swayed him. Until this girl came.

"I'm Luna. It's nice to meet you. But I better get going now! My friend's waiting for me." She said before walking past the man and made her way to the exit.

As soon as she opened the door. Luna was greeted by a loud crowd given that they are in a newly opened themed park. The only difference is that it's a lot louder this time.

"Julian!!!" She yells when she doesn't see her date anywhere near the exit. He was supposed to wait there or maybe he had looked around to find a food stall.

Luna figured she should look around and wait for Julian's call. She started walking and blending among the crowd. But eventually, it became eerily uncomfortable for her because of the looks they are throwing at her.

The girl eventually grew fed up by this. And not to mention that too much loudness was slowly getting to her.

Luna quickly looked for a bit quieter place and found herself on the big tents by the end of the park. There aren't many people there and it seems that the spot is not yet open for the public's eye considering how a lot of things on each tent seemed unfinished.

She scanned the place and it's pretty dark and close to the woods too. Although she doesn't recall any nearby woods in the area before they entered the park, maybe she just never really noticed it.

Once Luna's sure she is alone, she picks out her phone and is about to call Julian. But for some reason, her phone can't pick up any signal.

"Maybe because of the woods." Luna lets out a sigh as she walks around while raising her phone. But not a single bar is picked up.

She gave up eventually and decided to just take pictures of the view and herself. Then she hid her phone back in her pocket. Looking back at the view of the loud park with a bored face.

"Where the hell is that jerk?" She huffs.

Maybe I should go back to the shop. It'll be easier for him to find me there.

She thought and decided to make her way back to the antique shop.

But before Luna could even leave the premises, a group suddenly arrived. Immediately spotting her. Luna tried to ignore them but the group blocked her path and crowded her.

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