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“Are you sure this is where you live?” Sena asks as he stares at the establishment in front of them.

He only followed Luna's specific instructions the whole ride. And it was the least of his expectations that she'll take him to a strip club.

“Of course not!” The girl snapped and frowned while looking at the club filled with strippers making out with random strangers

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“Of course not!” The girl snapped and frowned while looking at the club filled with strippers making out with random strangers.

Sens clears his throat seeing some of the people there looking at them. He immediately pulls Luna back to the car.

“This doesn't make any sense.” She said without removing her eyes looking at the establishment.

“Are you sure you pointed us to the right way?” Sena asks and Luna nods almost immediately.

“But… This is… I don't think you live here.”

“I don't… but this is where my house is built. I knew the way like the back of my palm so…” Luna lets out a deep sigh as she turns away and leans her back on the seat.

She closes her eyes and rubs her temple. Trying to soothe the stress that's been trying to kill her. A few minutes later she pulls out her phone again. Hoping to get any sort of service. But the bar for her signal remains empty.

“Where should we go then?” Sena asks.

He was becoming a little worried not just for her but also for himself. He's never been away from home for so long like this. His friends and family might be worried that he has not gotten back with Calvin's car yet.

“I-I don't know. My friends live in the same neighborhood but I don't see their house here at all. Nor the houses around our village.” Luna said and finally looked at Sena with a scared and hopeless expression.

“Hey. It's okay. I said I'll take you home. Just try to remember the way and I'll get you there.” He said in a calm and soft tone, hoping it can comfort the girl.

“But where? My house isn't here!” She said.

“Well what about your school? We can start there and maybe you'll see your friends there.” Sena suggested.

Luna decides to go to her school and points the direction to Sena. After about a ten minute drive. Everything was becoming more and more confusing for Luna.
If earlier it was a strip club. What was supposed to be her school is now a public cemetery.

“A-are you sure the school is around here?” Sena asks while they both scan the place with hundreds of old and abandoned tombstones.

“A-are you sure the school is around here?” Sena asks while they both scan the place with hundreds of old and abandoned tombstones

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