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"What are you talking about?! I've been standing outside the shop the whole time! If you left the shop, I should've seen you!" Julian said.

"So you think I'm lying?!"

"Wha- No!" Julian huffs as he rubs his temple. Trying to calm himself knowing that Luna seems to be equally angry.

"I-I.... Maybe we just didn't notice each other. But it's fine now. I didn't see any good places to eat so I've already booked a restaurant for us."

"Nonsense! There's no service in this place!" Luna says with furrowed brows.

Julian picks up his phone and shows her the booking. She also noticed the bars on top of his phone showing that there is enough service in the area.
Luna also pulls out her phone to check and she was surprised that the signal was back.

"That's weird." Luna mumbled as she stared at her phone.

"I couldn't get any service earlier. Especially when I got near the woods." She said and looked up at Julian.

"Woods? What do you mean? This park is built in the middle of a city." Julian chuckled and beckoned Luna to walk out of the shop.

"I saw tall trees! And lots of them. It's by the end of this park!" Luna insisted.

"Fine. If it is what you saw. Let's just leave this place and eat. I wouldn't wanna let you go home on an empty stomach." Julian said and the two indeed left the park to go to the booked restaurant.

They hailed a cab and during the ride, Luna checked all the photos she got.
To say having goosebumps at that moment would be an understatement. Because all of her selcas had trees as her background.

Luna didn't bother telling Julian. She knows he wouldn't believe her anyway. The two got to their reserved restaurants, they had a warm dinner talking about random things.

Luna found Julian a lot more full of efforts this time. He seemed to be ready for a conversation compared to their last date. After dinner, Julian took her home before he left.

"You came back early!" Luna's mom said upon seeing her daughter arriving earlier than promised.

"Yeah. We didn't have much to go to." Luna says as she walks towards her brother's crib. He's already sleeping and probably why their mom finally got a late shower.

"Where's dad?" Luna asks as she walks towards her mom.

"Your dad came home earlier. But he had to leave because of his patient at the ICU." Her mom replies without even looking at her. She's too busy dolling herself up in front of their tall mirror.

"Couldn't he ask other doctors to fill in for him? It's Valentine's Day, he should've taken you out at least." The girl huffs and walks to the kitchen, remembering the cupcakes her mom baked earlier.

"Don't worry. I had fun with your brother. And besides, your dad and I agreed not to go out on a date." Her mom suddenly laughed and went to look at her with a sheepish grin. "Unless you look after your brother, your dad and I will go out of town." She said with a tone sounding like a high school girl.

"Eww! Mom stop. It doesn't suit you." Luna grimaced before biting on the cupcake she found. There's only a few left so her dad must've had some.

"I have school. Just ask Bella's mom to look after Luke for the time being. They like him so I'm sure they won't mind." Luna shrugged her shoulders and grabbed another cupcake before walking back to her room.

Luna washed up and got changed first before she went to bed. Checking her phone while eating the cupcake she snatched from her mom's sweets.

Luna checked her phone again, looking at the photos she took at the park. The more she thinks of it, the more she becomes curious.

Something is really strange about what happened earlier. Why would Julian tell her that the city is built in the middle of the city when she clearly remembers that there were tons of trees by the edge of the park.

Luna figured to look it up herself. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep like this anyway.

"You gotta be joking." The girl muttered as she looked at the pictures of the themed park.

From entrance to aerial shots of the whole area. The picture clearly shows that the park is built in the middle of the city just as Julian told her.

"It doesn't make any sense." Luna exclaimed as if she was talking to someone.

She grabs her phone again and specifically typed the keyword 'Magic Island themed park'.

As the results began to pop up, Luna saw nothing out of the ordinary as she found the same images and results on the web.

"That's odd. Where the hell did I end up too..." She whispered while staring at her phone.

Luna began to backtrack everything that happened from the moment they entered the park. Julian was still with her until she entered the antique shop to get something for their assignment.

The photo booth...
She thought and pulled out the photo strip from her wallet.

It was newly printed but the copy itself looks old. Luna stared at the picture for a while until she realized that nothing was wrong with it.
She eventually decided to stop thinking about it knowing she won't be able to get an answer anyway. So she just went downstairs to spend time with her brother and maybe push her mother out of the house to go on a date with her father.

The next day...

"Smile!" Bella suddenly appeared out of nowhere and flashed an old camera to her face.

Luna immediately glares at her before looking at the interesting item she has on her hands.

"What the hell is that?" She half yelled at the girl while staring at the obviously old looking camera.

"A camera! Duh!" Bella laughed as she sat beside her. "Jared and I stopped by his grandma's house last night. She let me borrow this camera for our assignment." She explained rather excitedly.

"What about you? What did you bring?" She asks and scans Luna's table.

Luna only huffs and shows her the photo strip.

"What's this?"

"That's a picture I got from an old photo booth. Julian and I went to a park last night and there was an antique shop that had an old photo booth. I took it there." Luna explained while Bella only stared at it dumbfounded.

"This isn't old!" She chuckled and gave the photo strip back to the girl. "You're doomed!"

"Whatever! It's not like anyone cared about bringing one." Luna huffs and looks around their class. Only to realize that everyone is literally talking about it.

Some of their classmates even dressed up like they were in the 90's.

She's right.
I am doomed.

Luna only shook her head and decided to just listen to music while hoping that their professor would be too late to attend the class.

"Jared!" Bella suddenly yells her boyfriend's name with excitement.

Jared had stopped by in their room to see Bella before the class started. Luna only wanted to throw him a quick glance before ignoring them being like a lovesick couple.

But right after she saw Jared's entire outfit. He was dressed exactly as...

"That guy."

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