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Februray 14, 2023

"Can somebody wake her up please!" The Professor sighs upon noticing one specific student sleeping in her class. Again.

The other girl seated to the student shakes her, waking her up in the process.

"Well good morning princess!" The teacher deadpanned while the girl simply just cleared her throat and fixed her hair. Pretending that she will listen to class.

While the Professor continued on with the lesson. The girl did not bother learning it as she had already learned it the other day. Having read as many books as she could to kill a boring time had always been the great convenience to her. That sometimes she thinks what's the point of attending classes if she knows all the lessons anyway.

"Luna. Please sit properly. And stop spreading your legs!" Her bestfriend, Bella scolded her and even puts her legs together to make her look like she's sitting properly.

Luna only glared at her and crossed her legs instead. Looking outside the classroom which give her the view of the soccer team practicing at the field.

She waited as the class ended without bothering to listen at the professor. Which could be a disadvantage sometimes but she's lucky to have a friend who's always looking after her. Thankfully Bella listens in the class and she was able to inform the girl that they have an assignment and are requeired to present an old item tomorrow, explaining its history.

"Tsk. All that for a petty task." Luna scoffs as they walk im the hallway, going to where Bella's boyfriend is currently waiting. The canteen. Which is always packed during lunch time and probably why Luna's so bored because she didn't get to eat breakfast.

"It's called creativity Luna!" Bella said with sass while endlessly dolling herself up.

"Aren't you checking yourself too much. You don't have to. Jared's head over heels for you anyway." Luna chuckled seeing her bestfriend checking herself through the mirror as if she's gonna find a nonexistent pimple.

"Tch. Easy for you to say! When you get a boyfriend! You'll understand!" Luna scrunched her mose whole looking down at the smaller girl.

She placed her mirror back to her pocket and puts her arm on Luna's shoulder.

"Speaking of which! Jared's brother is single! Maybe I can set you up with him." She said sheepishly and Luna immediately laughs.

"You already did. It didn't work remember?" She answered and suddenly remembered the hilarious blind date she had with Jared's brother. It was a mess.

Luna finds him too formal and she coldn't remember how many times the guy said "i'll go with whatever you want" and she got so sick of it she decided to straight up tell on his face that he's boring. The guy was obviously offended and it ddin't end well. She had to walk home alone that night.

"He already apologized to you! Why don't you try it again?" Bella whines and started clinging onto her arm. "Jared says his brother talks about you a lot. He obviously liked your personality." She added with a pout.

"Relationships are a two-way road Bella. And I honestly don't like him!" Luna says as she tries to push off the girl gently.

They got to the canteen where Jared's already waiting with a reserved seat. Luna sat there alone, waiting for the two to finish ordering their meal.

"At least give him a chance Luna. He's willing to change." Jared also tried to convince her.

"Guys! Stop! Why do you even bother setting me up to random guys! It made me look like a player to everyone!" Luna groans and was trying to avoid the topic so she could focus on eating but Bella and Jared won't even touch their food unless they convince her first.

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