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"A beach?" She asks.

Luna remembers clearly that when she checked the map last night, the park was located in the middle of the city. And any beach would be like a thousand miles away.

"That's impossible!"

"What do you mean? There is a beach, I promise. My friends are actually there." Sena insisted.

"A beach is probably thousands of miles from here. You're suggesting we walk in that forest for hours or I don't know, days? Just to get to that beach?"

"What!? It's just gonna be a 30 minute walk!" Sena commented with a confused face.

I guess she isn't from around here.
She doesn't even know how close the beach is to this town.
It's literally the most famous place before this carnival showed up.

"Just come! I'll show you." He tries to persuade her but Luna just looks at him suspiciously.

"You're not planning to murder me, are you?"

"Why would I do that?" Sena chuckles and beckons her to the forest while Luna follows anyway.

The walk in the woods was quiet in the first few minutes. Then Sena figured he wouldn't have many chances of seeing Luna as she doesn't seem to go to the same school as him.

So he started to have a conversation with her.

"So... which school do you go to?" He asks.

"I go to Cheshire High School." Luna replies. "And you?"

"I go to Tomorrow's High School. I figured you don't go there since I don't see you around." Sena says and looks to see the girl's reaction.

"You must be pretty friendly among your peers."

"I wouldn't say friendly. I just remember and acknowledge when people greet me."

"That's still friendly!"

"Well what about you? Do you have a lot of friends?"

"Those names I've called earlier at the shop. Those are my only friends."

"And me?" Sena's tone sounded so innocent that it nearly rendered Luna speechless.

There's really something about him that kept captivating her attention. And he's not even trying.

"This is only the second time we're meeting. I don't think that's deep enough for friendship." She said as Sena laughed lightly.

"You're cruel. But I do hope we get to see each other often. I want to get to know you better." He added.

"Why? You saw how I'm like to my friends. Doesn't it scare you?" She asks curiously and Sena pouts as he shakes his head.

Is that really his habit?

"I just figured you're dominant. But I like that it suits you." He compliments and then flashes a bunny smile.

Luna could somehow feel the world slowing down. And angels playing harp around them. Why is this man just full of cuteness and beauty and gentleness and warmth and kindness? He's got everything to make a woman fall head over heels.

I think I just fell in love! Oh, Bella would die!

Their conversation went on about each other. They must've been so indulged in the conversation that they didn't notice they were already at the beach.

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