Chapter 12 - Changes

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(Y/N) didn't quite want to get up today. She could recall every single sentence from yesterday's interaction and her anxiety was going through the roof. The clock had only ticked til 9AM this Saturday morning but she had slept terrible tonight and could definitely not get a moment's more rest. Why did Kirk have to... come on! She hadn't had real feelings for a guy since 8th grade but this man literally gave her butterflies and she couldn't stand it. The awful thing was that Kirk impossibly could feel the same way. He liked girls, not a girl. And it felt awful. Embarrassing.

She groaned and got up. Snuck into the shower and put on an Aerosmith t-shirt and pale denims and sat down in her bed again, picking up a book and trying to focus on something else than... yesterday. Ugh. She couldn't. She decided to go get her guests some breakfast.

(Y/N) quietly wandered down the street with a cigarette in her mouth, reminiscing further. Sleazy men. Was he really one of them? Obviously! Metallica. Every dude in a band was sleazy, she had learned as much. Ew, no thanks. She liked their relationship. She was their friend and nothing more. Jesus fucking Christ. She tossed her cig on the ground and went inside the local bakery. It smelt of fresh bread and hazelnuts. She picked out a nice loaf and some croissants. Another cigarette on her way back. Everyone was still asleep once she returned, so she started brewing some coffee and she decided that yet another one wouldn't hurt. Cigarette, that was.

She hopped out her window. She was just about to light the cig in her mouth when someone swung themselves out the window and sat down next to her. She gasped and yelped, "Holy mother of--..."

"Holy mother? What is this, the 1800s?" Kirk grinned at her with his crooked teeth. "What a nice morning. Can I bum a smoke?"

"Right? It's super warm." (Y/N) picked up another from her carton and put it in his mouth.

"Thanks." He mumbled as he lit it.

She leaned against the brick wall with her eyes closed. "Jesus Christ, I could barely sleep last night. I feel like my head's gonna explode. I went out and got some breakfast but I'm not sure if I can eat anything. I'll probably throw up."

Well, Kirk couldn't sleep either, but that was because he felt like his heart was gonna explode. 

"Aww, you got breakfast?" Kirk exhaled smoke through his nose. "Man, you're the best."

"You're my guests, I can't let you starve."

"Thanks, man, I'm fucking hungry."

"Help yourself."

Kirk put his cigarette out in the little ashtray between them and left her alone on the fire escape. (Y/N) took a deep breath and felt... better. This was fine. Nothing weird at all. Just two friends, having a morning smoke together. And like every other day before, there was a sky above her with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily across. And the birds leapt back and forth on the branches of the fern pine next to the stairs, singing quietly in the LA sun. The world hadn't ended today either. 

"Hey," Kirk knocked on the glass of the window and (Y/N) turned her head up to see him with coffee cups in both his hands.

"Oh!" She exclaimed and got up to get them.

He went to grab two plates with bread with cheese on top and croissants and sent them over the edge, and (Y/N) took them with a big smile and they both sat next to each other again.

"Thank you, this is nice." She said as she sipped on the freshly brewed coffee.

"Right? It is." Kirk agreed, also keeping his eyes closed as they bathed in the warmth of the sun.

Too nice, she thought, as she took a bite from the sandwich he'd made her. Too nice.

"Just, warn me if you're gonna puke." Kirk joked.

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