Chapter 15 - Over you?

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The huffing wind scattered the leaves around the street and Kirk avoided the shallow puddles, following right behind James. The sun was setting and the street lights on although it was just a bit past 4PM.

He got a call from Lars thirty minutes ago saying that (Y/N) and Lisa were in the studio. Lars had asked them to come and they had said yes, surprisingly. A week had passed since the San Francisco encounter and Kirk had pushed it aside and focused on music, as per usual.

Lisa and Jason were chatting and playing his bass, they seemed to be getting along. Lars and (Y/N) were sat in a sofa sipping on malt liquor and chatting. She was wearing a knitted beige sweater and a pair of light denims, hair up in a ponytail. They were looking through a magazine together and Lars pointed at a picture.

"How about that one?"

"You kidding me? It looks like something out of a bubblegum machine. Are you serious?" She laughed sweetly. 

"I think it's cool!" Lars defended himself. "Kirk, James, don't you think that's a cute ring?" 

Kirk and James stepped over to the couch and leaned over their friends to see what the fuss was about. The ring Lars pointed at did look like something out of a bubble gum machine. Kirk and James snorted at the same time. 

"Is it for Debbie?" James asked. 


"Exciting." Kirk smacked his lips. "I don't think she'll like it though."

"You absolutely suck at this stuff." James patted his friend's shoulder.

(Y/N) took another sip from her beverage and grinded her teeth slightly. "How's it going with Alycen, James?" She asked.

Lars let out a chuckle. "Oh, man, that's over. I think she's dating like, Glenn Tipton right now or something."

"Yeah, man, she was fun, though." James said with a grin.

"That woman's bodycount is higher than-"

"(Y/N), come here." Lisa yelled from across the room.

"Higher than Nikki Sixx." Lars finished his punchline.

"Hey now, don't shame her." (Y/N) said as she slapped Lars' lap with the magazine and got up to her feet. "I mean, what isn't high to you? You can't even find one woman you're taller than." Kirk and James snickered loud and mocked Lars as (Y/N) padded over to her friend and Jason. 

"Look what Jason taught me." Lisa said, beaming with excitement. "Watch this." She played a nice riff, moving her fingers quickly. "Jason's a legend, he's amazing at playing the bass."

"Ah, you're making me blush." He said, pretending to cover his face in embarrassment. "Lisa says you've got a band."

"A band?" (Y/N) snorted. "We're three friends who like to jam together. And we're one guitarist short. It's not easy being lead and rhythm and sing all at once."

"Yeah, so find us a good guitarist and I'll forever be thankful." Lisa nodded, continuing to play the new melody she just learned.

"Hey, have you guys heard our new album?" James asked. 

"Of course." They chimed at the same time.

"Not live though!" Lars got up from his seat and hurried over to his drums, and the other boys settled by their instruments, starting off with ...And Justice for All. They all did it good, and especially Kirk who slayed with the guitar solo. 

"Ahh, even better in real life." (Y/N) smiled at them.

"Hey, uhh, do you... Do you remember... I think it was the first time I showed you a song on my guitar?" Kirk wondered looking at her. "Like, the first time. On an acoustic."

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