𝟸 ♡ Pink + White

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Pink + White By Frank Ocean

"Okay Azalea, please name two drivers who won a race in their rookie seasons." The interviewer had asked me. I'm currently filming for Grill the Grid and absolutely killing it. 

"Ah, myself and Sebastian Vettel" I responded. 

"Correct! And two drivers who won a race in Monaco."

I smiled to myself, then answered "Max and Daniel."


"Azalea! Over here," Laura, my PR manager called me over once I stepped out of the filming building. 

"Hey girl, what's next?" I waved and walked over to her.

"Okay, so headshots, intro video footage, and grid photos with the cars. Let's go and touch up your hair and make-up." She responded and started walking towards the Red Bull hospitality. 

Laura is always on her A-game and always has me in her best interest. Hence she would like to make me look my best for the rest of the media day.

When we got into the Red Bull garages, I saw Max standing over by his garage. 

"Oy!! How'd ya do?" I hollered over to Max.

He then looked up at me. "Better than you!!" He hollered back. 

"Yeah, we will see about that!!" I hollered again before turning into my garage to head over to a vanity room. 

While Laura was touching up my make-up and hair I took the opportunity to update my Instagram with some photos of the trip so far. Then a ding came through, it's from Nate!!

 Then a ding came through, it's from Nate!!

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That's so vague. What is up with him? 

"What's up?" Laura asked, catching me off guard.

"Well Nate's just being super vague and just now messaged me since the last time I saw him," I responded

"Is he normally like that?"

"No," I shook my head, "he's normally much better than that."

"Maybe he just misses you or something."

"Yeah," I quietly said, looking back down at my phone.

I decided not to reply and shut my phone off for the time being. 

"Alrighty girl, you're all done. Let's go out to the track now for car photos."

"Alright, let's go," I replied 

While I was walking out to the track I heard jogging up beside me.

"Hey Zee," 

I looked up at the familiar nickname and saw a smirk plastered on his face. A smirk spread across my face in return.

"What's up Gasly," I nodded back at him.

He then dropped his arm around my shoulder.

"So, already missing me as your teammate?" He continued on.

"Am I that transparent? I need you Gas," I said in my most sarcastic tone.

"Oh don't be sad, I'm just gonna beat you every race now," 

"On the track," I playfully replied while walking away, towards my current teammate.

"What was that about?" Max asked as I neared him.

"Teammate withdrawals for the Frenchie," I responded, taking my place next to him.

He simply nodded in understanding.


After the long media day, I found myself leaving rather late. I was walking out towards my car when I saw someone leaving the McLaren hospitality in front of me.

Oh, It's Lando. We aren't that close but we are both super close with Daniel and Max. Strange that we don't talk more.

"Hey, Lando!" I decided to speak out. Looks like I caught him slightly off guard, seeing that only a few others are around.

"Hey, Azalea," he responded. He was about to turn back around but then asked, "Have uh, have you seen Daniel around?" 

Weird that he's asking me. "No, not lately sorry. Why?"

"He was supposed to give me a ride back to the hotel, we carpooled here together."

"Oh, that's too bad," I said. Then realized my hostility. "You can come with me back if you'd like?"

He looked slightly surprised at the offer, then said, "Yeah, sure! Thanks."

"No problem, I'm just over here."


The car ride started off pretty awkward because we didn't have anything to talk about really. So I turned on one of my playlists to fill the silence. 

"Oh no way, you know this song?" He suddenly spoke up. 

"Hahah yeah! He's one of my faves." 

"That's sick, mine too."

Okay, nice we have something in common. That'll make this ride not as bad. 

We ended up bonding over more music. And he told me about the DJ stuff he does on the side and that I should come to one of the parties one time. I agreed and we chit-chatted some more before arriving back at the hotel.

We had just entered the lobby when Daniel spotted us and started walking over.

"What are you two doing together?" He asked, with a confused look on his face. 

Lando was about to say something but I spoke up first, "I gave him a ride back cause someone forgot," pointing an accusing finger at him.

Daniel's eyes went wide, "oh sorry mate, I totally forgot."

"No problem man, luckily I ran into Azalea."

I just smiled before excusing myself. "Loving the catch-up moment but I'm dipping. See you two later," I drawled while walking away. 

"See ya," They both said at the same time.

Lando then said, "She's nice, can't believe we've never talked."

"Yeah she is, we will all have to hang out," Daniel said while slapping Lando's back and also walking away.

Lando just looked in her direction and then went his own way.

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