𝟷𝟶 ♡ Hella Good

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Hella Good By No Doubt

I'm standing in front of my mirror right now trying to pick out an outfit for the party tonight. There are a couple of outfits I was thinking but I'm not loving them. I was switching them back and forth in the mirror when there was a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone so I was a bit puzzled but made my way over and opened the door.  

"Are those for us?" Daniel joked, gesturing to the dresses in my hands. He was accompanied by Max of course, but I have to admit I was a little bummed that Lando wasn't with them. 

I faked a laugh and pulled them into the room. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked them as they made themselves comfy on my bed. 

"Pre-gaming, of course!" Max spoke up, holding a bunch of alcohol. 

"Right, my bad," I sarcastically said and held up the two dresses. They were pouring themselves some drinks. I turned to them with the two dresses and asked, "Which one?" 

"The black one," Max immediately said, super casually. Both Daniel and I looked at him. Daniel with confusion and me with amusement. 

"That was quick," I teased while staring at him.  

"You look good in black," He nonchalantly said while shrugging his shoulders and staring back at me. 

"Take me to dinner first, Max," I teased again then dropped the other dress and took the black one into the bathroom to get changed. 


Azalea took her dress into the bathroom to get changed, so I turned my attention back onto the drinks in front of me when Daniel spoke up from beside me.

"What was all that?" He smirked, nodding towards the bathroom. 

"What? Nothing," I shook my head, taking another swig of the drink. "We always talk like that," I continued. 

"Oh right, sure," He cackled, also shaking his head and taking another sip of drink. 

That was weird I thought to myself. I didn't think anything was going on. 

Just then, Azalea came back into the room. She was wearing the black dress and then made her way over to the door to put on a pair of black boots. Boy did she look good tonight. She then stood up, made her way over to us, and held out her arm towards the alcohol. 

"Let's drink!" 

"Let's drink!" 

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The club was packed, the music was blasting, and all kinds of people filled the space laughing, drinking, and dancing. 

Our trio b-lined over to the bar and immediately ordered some shots for ourselves. We cheers'd our drinks then I took a big swig and placed the cup back down. Tequila is my favorite shot so it went down really easy.

Max and Daniel fell into a conversation but I felt like dancing, so I turned toward the dance floor and made my way over. I fell into a fun dance and even started dancing with some strangers. I had no stressful thoughts in my mind, just the dancing and I felt so free. 

When suddenly, an arm wrapped around me from the back and they slammed my back into their chest. They tried to start kissing me but I didn't know who it was so I tried wrangling out of the stranger's grip. 

"Stop that!" I spoke up to try and get them to stop kissing my face and neck. He didn't stop though and I started panicking a bit. I told him to stop many more times and kept trying to wrangle out of his grip. 

Just then, a familiar voice came and started yelling at the guy, then pushed him out of the way. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Get the hell out of here," He said, shoving the guy out. The guy took off and my gaze landed on a slightly out of breath Lando. 

"Are you oka..." He started asking but I interrupted him by rushing towards him and enveloping him in a hug. 

"Thank you," I spoke softly into his chest. 

"Don't mention it, but seriously, are you okay?" He spoke down to me. 

"I am now, that guy just came out of nowhere and wouldn't let go of me," I said, letting go of the hug and looking up at him. 

"He's a douche," he said reaching his hand out towards me. "Come on, you need a drink after that," He continued. I reached out and grabbed his hand to follow him to the bar. "You don't gotta tell me twice!" I said, eagerly following him. 


I had been spending the majority of the night with Lando and I was enjoying every last bit of it. Lando was looking very good tonight and I just couldn't take my eyes off of him. We were both very drunk and found ourselves back at the bar, ordering another round of shots. 

He leaned down and whispered into my ear, "You look absolutely stunning tonight." His warm breath hitting my neck sent me overboard and the drunk thoughts were kicking in. I decided to kick it up a notch flirt a bit back. So I picked up a lime and told him to put it at the edge of his mouth. His look was questioning me a bit but he obliged and put the lime in his mouth. 

I stared into his eyes as I picked up the salt, leaned into his neck, and licked it while putting the salt onto the spot I licked. 

I looked at him with a look asking for consent and he eagerly smirked and nodded his head. I then licked the salt off his neck, took the shot then put my lips up to his for the lime. They only briefly met while I stole the lime and maintained eye contact while I sucked on the lime. He looked so flustered and absolutely speechless. 

He then snaked his arm around my waist and said, "Let's get out of here," 

I eagerly nodded and followed him towards the exit. 


We finally reached the hotel after our short walk back and I could feel the tension growing. As soon as we stepped into the privacy of the elevator we immediately reached for each other and grew into a deep kiss, with our hands wandering each other. The kiss felt needing and lustful, making me want more. 

We only briefly broke apart when the elevator reached his floor and we had to walk into his room. Once in, I turned to him and kissed him again, while he reached for me to jump into his arms leading me over to the bed. 

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