𝟷𝟺 ♡ Would That I

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Would That I By Hozier

"Don't worry, you're rolling with a local. I'll be your tour guide for the whole weekend."

"My savior, what would I do without you, Danny." 

Daniel and I have just landed in Australia together, coming straight from Saudi Arabia. Of course, he's bouncing off the walls with excitement, this being his home GP and all. 

"And you're staying with my folks this weekend too. I won't have you in some crummy hotel. They'll love you though so no need to worry." He continued talking at me as he led me through the airport. 

"Oh Danny, that's sweet but-"

"Nope, you're staying with them. Max too!"

"Okay well I appreciate it," I said, showing him a genuine smile. "Hey, where is Max? He didn't fly with us like he normally does," I questioned.

"Not a clue," He shrugged as he urged on. 


"So all three of you are staying there?" 

"Apparently. Daniel kind of roped me into it as soon as the two of us landed. Haven't seen or heard from Max though." 

As soon as I got settled in at the Ricciardo household, I snuck off to go see Lando. He's staying at the hotel where the rest of the teams are staying. 

Right now we are just grabbing a coffee at a local coffee shop, trying to be incognito. 

"Ah gotcha," He nodded solemnly. "Hey do you want to have dinner, just the two of us tonight?" 

"Oh I'd love to but Daniel mentioned his family cooking dinner for us tonight. Before we enter the business of the weekend." I replied, grabbing my coffee from the counter and the two of us started towards the exit. 

"Oh that's fine, I'm sure another night." He assured himself as we left the cafe. 


The scent of curry being prepared lingered through my room as I stood in front of the vanity in my room, applying the final touches to my makeup for dinner tonight. I was taken out of my concentration as a gentle knock sounded on the door. 

I looked up through the mirror to see Max standing there but of course not empty-handed, admiring me with bright eyes. 

I turned around to face him. "He lives! Where have you been Mr. Max?" I questioned, stalking toward him. 

"Took a quick detour before coming here," He casually mentioned. "You look lovely, Az. Glad to see you've survived Daniel so far."

"He's quite intense during his home GP, hey?" I replied, gesturing around to the house. 

A low chuckle escaped him. "I've stayed here every year since Daniel and I started getting along. It's nice that he cares." 

I nodded my agreeance. 

We stood in silence for a second before I glanced down at the small wooden box he held in his hands.

"Oh right," he stood up off the door frame, remembering the box he had. "A bit of a belated birthday gift for you," He held out the box for me to take. 

I gave him a questioning glance as I took the box from him. "Max, you already got me a- many gifts for my birthday," 

"I know but- well just open the box," He said, smiling at me. 

"You're too kind," I replied while I flipped open the lid on the wooden box I now hold. 

Inside was a Polaroid photo of me from when we went out for brunch that morning. I was laughing at something Daniel was saying beside me. He wore a big smile on his face too. 

I remember that moment. My stomach always hurts from laughing so much when I'm with those two. Always laughing, joking, or goofing around. Completely lighting up my day.

At the top of the photo, there was a small flap. When I pulled it the first photo came up and a bunch more, attached, started to come out as well. All photos from my birthday. At brunch, in costumes, dancing, or even just sitting with others. 

My eyes started to swell up as I took in the rest of the photos. I had a little smile on my face as well. This small box holds some amazing moments with my favorite people. Putting sunshine on this day, and masking the small darkness that happened. 

"Oh Max," I began as I looked up at him. "I-," I tried to make out words but struggled. I closed the gap between us and enveloped him in a large hug, wrapping my arms around his middle. "Thank you. So much Max," I spoke into his chest. 

"You're welcome, Az," He turned his face downward to say to me. "Thought you should have some photos to remember the best parts of that day by." 

"I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend," I said, letting go of him. But when I said that, It almost didn't feel right, feel whole.

He only smiled down at me in return before saying, "Well, should we head down for dinner?"

I nodded, placing the box down on the desk with care, and followed him out of the room. 


Here's the box if you were having a hard time picturing it:)

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Here's the box if you were having a hard time picturing it:)

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