𝟻 ♡ Sunny

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Sunny By Boney M.

The sun was shining through the window, the house was peaceful, and my boyfriend was fast asleep beside me. Today is going to be a good day.

I moved closer to Nate and snuggled in to him. "Mmm, good morning birthday girl," he grumbled with his morning voice and eyes still closed.

"Good morning love," I replied with an equally sleepy morning voice.

When we finally decided to get up, we took a shower together and got ready for the day. We are headed for breakfast this morning and I already had a white dress picked out for today.

Nate stopped me before we went down and handed me a small wrapped box

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Nate stopped me before we went down and handed me a small wrapped box.

"Aweh, Nate! Thank you, love," I said in awe while he handed me the box. I wasted no time and started opening the box. Inside was a beautiful silver bracelet. Nice and dainty with cute little details.

"Oh Nate, It's gorgeous, thank you so much!"

"Anything for you," he smiled at me, then helped me put it on.


Arriving downstairs I was greeted with the smiling faces of my two best friends. Along with some gift bags, balloons, and more flowers.

Daniel and Max were staring up at me from their spots in the kitchen. Big grins plastered on their faces.

"No way! You guysss!" I gushed while running over to them and wrapping them in hugs. "You guys didn't have to do this all for me."

"We know, but we did!" Daniel spoke while we were hugging.

"Anything for Miss Azzy," Max said next.

Just then the doorbell rang causing me to look over to it. "Who is that?" I thought out loud while heading over. I opened the door to find my older sister and brother standing there. Isla, my sister, and Nico, my brother both wore big smiles on their faces. I quickly jumped into their arms, also wearing a big smile. When we finally let go I asked, "What... how are you guys here?"

Last I knew, they weren't able to come out because the trip would be too expensive. That and they didn't want me to spend money on them for my birthday.

Isla gave a knowing look and pointed over toward the kitchen where the two boys were standing.

"You two got them here?" I asked.

Daniel then shook his head and said "I didn't know anything about this," then turned toward Max.

"You?" I pointed at Max.

"Ah well, you wouldn't stop talking about them not coming so I did the only thing to keep me sain," he said nonchalantly, shrugging it off.

"Oh Max, you are too sweet," I exclaimed, walking over to give him another hug. "Thank you," I silently said into his chest. Max also wore a small smile on his face as he hugged me back.

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