𝟷𝟾 ♡ Bleeding Out

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Bleeding Out By Chance Peña

Media Day in Baku was upon us and Max and I haven't exchanged any more words since those dull text messages back home. 

It felt like I left a part of me in Australia. I didn't feel like doing any of this. My day was just a dark gloomy atmosphere and I wanted my sunshine back. 

I let my feet carry me where they needed to go and took a deep breath as I knocked on his driver's room door. 

The door swung open and his eyesight shifted down to me. His face remained an emotionless expression as he asked, "What are you doing here?"

That's the greeting I get? "I wanted to talk to you, Max."

"About what?" He asked as he turned back into his driving room to start rummaging around. 

"About us, you've barely talked to me since Australia," I replied, taking a step towards him. He wouldn't meet my eye contact. 

"There's no us, Az. I don't owe you anything," He blandly said, not a hint of emotion in his voice. "Besides, you can talk to Norris if you want someone to talk to," He continued. 

"That's what this is about?" I said with a small crack as I was losing my composure. I remained by the door frame, a small distance from him. "Talk to me Max, let me in on what's going on in your mind."

"There's nothing to talk about, Ashford," - He stopped to stare at me before continuing, - "At least not with me. You've got new company," Those ocean eyes found mine. Not a hint of anything familiar. "I may be your teammate on paper but that's where it ends. It's not like it used to be, not anymore. 

"Please, Max. Don't do this," I pleaded. A tear fell down my cheek. 

He lost eye contact with me and looked down before murmuring, "Look, I've gotta go." And stormed right past me and out to the garage. Leaving a thousand unsaid words between us. 


I got sent home early.

Laura had taken all of one look at my red, rashy, tear-stained face before sending me home early and using the excuse to the media that "I wasn't feeling well." 

Which wasn't a total lie. I don't think I would have survived the rest of the day. She let me go without an explanation as well which I was so thankful for because I think I would have just bursted into tears again. 

I haven't moved since finding my way into this bed in the early hours of the morning. It was now dark outside and my eyes were still fixated on the ceiling. 

Did I miss a chapter? Max has always been the light in my life. But he's never expressed anything more to me. To be more. Was he mad I didn't need to solely rely on his shoulder anymore? Don't get me wrong, I would never trade Max for anything. He's given me more in life than I could ever ask for. But I thought that's what friends; teammates, through thick and thin were for. Someone to lend a shoulder. 

Introducing someone new into my life shouldn't change that. 

I got messages and calls from Laura and some others around the track. Questioning why I was gone, or asking how I was feeling. I silenced all of them. I couldn't be bothered to talk to anyone else right now. 

As if hearing my thoughts and wanting to challenge them, a gentle knock sounded on the door. I remained in bed. Maybe if I pretended I wasn't here they would leave. 

But the door unlocked and slid open. 

I sat up slightly and fixated my eyes on the door to see who got into my room. 

It was Lando. 

I slid back down into the bed as he entered and closed the door behind him. 

"I'm sorry, you weren't answering my calls or texts and I was really worried about you. I asked the desk for a key saying I lost mine. Are you okay? I brought you some dinner, I didn't know if you ate. And some snacks too for later-" He rambled, looking even more nervous as he took in my state. 

He paused as I started crying again. He instantly kicked off his shoes, placed the bag of food on the bed, and climbed in with me. 

I hugged and buried my face into his torso and broke out into more tears. He started whispering sweet nothings as he ran his hand through my hair. 

"He won't talk to me," I got out in between sobs. No doubt soaking his shirt. 

"Max?" He questioned, looking down at me. 

I nodded in confirmation.

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes before I cooled down and explained, "I went to talk to him today and he shut me out, saying he doesn't owe me anything, which he doesn't, but I thought he'd at least open up to me. So that we could talk through it." I continued lying on his chest.

I didn't want to tell him of the rest. I couldn't hurt his feelings like that. 

"He doesn't deserve you if that's how he's going to treat you. You deserve everything and more, Az." He gently told me as he continued to stroke my hair. 

"Thank you, for being here Lan," Was all I could say to the man whom I laid on. 

"I will always be right where you need me, Az." 


I chose Bleeding Out because I think that as we saw Azalea's thoughts and POV in writing, the song gave us Max's unsaid thoughts and POV. :))

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