𝟺 ♡ Borderline

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Borderline By Tame Impala

The rest of the testing went well and Max and I are feeling super confident with the car. Today I move into my Monaco home and the boys are helping me move in. I'm having my birthday party here this weekend so I want everything perfect.

"This box is ripping my hands apart."

"Daniel, you gotta keep moving, I'm gonna collapse."

"Oy, mate keep up the pace!"

Max, Daniel, and Lando are currently on the stairs, fighting for their lives. While I've started unpacking some boxes in the kitchen.

"They're ridiculous," I laughed, putting some cups away.


A couple hours later, we finally finished and I treated the boys to some pizza while we sat in my new living room.

"Azzy-bear, I love you but you've got way too much stuff," Daniel drawled while looking exhausted across from me.

"Agreed, but.. it does look nice in here," Max continued.

I gave them both amused smiles then turned my attention to Lando. He was lost in his pizza, I think he's eaten 4 pieces already. He then looked up to me and I quickly adjusted my eyes else wear. He then spoke up, "It's fine if not but, do you think my mate Max could come to your birthday this weekend?"

He looked so nervous asking which I thought was funny.

"More the merrier, but he has to dress up, yeah?" I replied, excited to have lots of people coming.

"Oh yup, no problem! Thanks, Ashford," He said before returning back to his pizza.

For my birthday this year, I decided to have a theme, to spice it up a bit. This year, I'm going to do a 70's disco and I can't wait to wear my outfit.

"Is Nate gonna come for the party?" Daniel

"Yeah, he gets in tomorrow!" I replied excitedly.

"Oh, Nate's coming?" Max cautiously asked.

"Yeah, thought it was a good time since I haven't seen him in like a week," I joked.

"Ahhh," he replied then looking down into his lap.

That was weird. I thought he would be excited to finally get to meet him.

"That's the one that's obsessed with me right?" Lando asked from the corner.

My eyes went wide. "You told him?" I looked at Daniel, pointing at Lando.

Daniel just gave a sheepish shrug back. "He asked about him," Daniel spoke, looking innocent.

Double weird I thought, looking between the two. While Max was slighly looking at Lando.


Nate is to arrive at my home any minute so I am pacing in front of the door. Excited to see him. Things between us have been off but It's probably because we've never been away from each other for this long.

The doorbell rang, pulling me out of my thoughts so I went forward to answer it. Instead of being met with Nate, I was met with the smiling face of Daniel, and Max with a slight grin beside him, holding flowers.

"What are you two doing here? Nate should be here any minute," I asked, surprised that they showed up like this.

"Yup, that's why we're here," Daniel said, brushing past me and heading straight for the fridge.

"Housewarming gift," Max said with the most serious face, handing me the flowers. Then also, brushing past me and heading for the pantry.

"Come on in," I spoke to no one and sniffed the flowers. Azalea flowers I thought to myself. Then smiled, and made my way over to the two idiots in my kitchen.

I'm super nervous to have my two lives meet. I don't like mixing the two, just to have that extra privacy that I don't normally get.

A couple of minutes later, the doorbell rang again and I hopped off the kitchen stool and made my way over to the door to answer it.

"Behave yourselves," I pointed an accusing finger at Danny and Max while heading over to the door.

I got a simultaneous "Yes ma'am," in return.

I opened the door and immediately pulled him into a big hug. He hugged me back in return and giggled slightly.

"I missed you," He whispered into my ear, pulling me in tighter.

That feels nice to hear. "I missed you too," I replied.

I dragged him in and made my way back over to the kitchen.

"I gotta warn you, Max and Daniel are in the kitc..." I began to say but got cut off as we got closer to the kitchen.

"Yeah but hypothetically, how many could you fit into your mouth?"

"Well I don't know, I haven't tried with grapes before."

"Hey guys," I said, interrupting a clearly very important conversation.

"Oh no way, you guys are my favourites!" Nate excitedly said from beside me.

"Thank you but on a scale, here or here based on Norris," Daniel asked, throwing his hands up to make a scale for Nate.

"You tol..." He began, looking at me. When he got interrupted.

"Well put me right above Norris, then ask your question," Max added, with a serious face.

"Guys!" I scolded. Giving them one of those 'Are you kidding' faces.

"They're just joking," I turned towards Nate.

"Nice to meet you mate," Daniel stood up to shake his hand. "I'm not joking," He whispered to him, then leaning against the counter.

"Hello," Max greeted him with a handshake then immediately moved on to the kitchen to eat more.

Well, that went well.

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