𝟿 ♡ Talk

912 12 3

Talk By Khalid

Qualifying is tomorrow so I'm laying in bed trying to get lots of rest. Although I can't help but think of how awkward Max was being earlier. Our friendship has always been so relaxed and open, but today was something different. Even being tired, he's never like that with me. 

My head started hurting from all the overthinking so I decided to head to sleep. It was probably just a one-off anyway.


"Alright Azalea, that's P2! Well done!" Benito said into my earpiece. 

"Yessss!!! Amazing job everyone!" I responded. 

"That's Charles on pole and Max P3," He continued. 

"That's great!" I exclaimed, turning into the pit lane to line up with Max and Charles. 

I parked my car and hopped out to congratulate the other two on their successful qualifying. I first spotted Charles so I skipped over and gave him a hug.

"Congrats Charles, You were flying out there!" I said while side-hugging him.

"Yeah! Thanks, Azalea! Feels good. And you as well, congrats on P2." He replied while hugging me back. 

I smiled at him and then started searching for Max. He was standing over by his car, taking his gear off. I assumed yesterday was just a one-off, so I strolled on over to him. 

"Oi, Chick Hicks! You better not drive me into the wall tomorrow. I haven't mastered my flip yet!" I teased as I approached him. 

"Congrats on P2 Azalea," He said to me as he brushed by and walked over to his engineers. 

I just stared blankly into his back as he walked away. What the hell?  I was so utterly confused about what was going on. 


Later after qualifying, the paddock was pretty empty. Except for the few here and there. I was just leaving my garage when I noticed the person walking in front of me. I ran a bit to catch up to him then said, "Hey, can I talk to you?"

He looked slightly caught off guard to see me. "Hey, Azzy. Sorry about earlier, I don't know what came over me," Max said. 

"Oh," I started. Not really knowing how to take this now. He was so awkward then today, barely looked at me when I came over to congratulate him. I was going to speak up again but he spoke up saying, "Come to my room tonight." 

That caught me off guard. I whipped my head up to look at him and he had a playful smirk on his face. "Relax Az, Danny and Lan are coming too," He said, leaning down closer to my head. "Besides, I've gotta teach you that flip if you stand any chance in the race tomorrow," He continued. 

A big smile grew on my face and I linked my arm with his. "What time should I be there?" 


Tonight was going to be a movie night so I put on my comfiest little outfit and slipped out to go across to Max's room. I knocked a couple of times then the door opened and was met with the glowing smile of Danny. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room. 

Everyone was already here, looking super comfy on the couch and an arrangement of the best snacks on the table. All of them healthy of course. 

"I'm going into a food coma after this," I said by way of greeting and plopped myself on the couch beside Lando, with Max on his other side. Then Danny plopped himself beside me and picked up the remote to pick a movie. 

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