𝟷𝟷 ♡ Boredom

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Boredom By Tyler, The Creator + Rex Orange County

The city started waking up and the morning sun was shining through the room, making me flutter my eyes open. I took in my surroundings as the memories from the night before made their way into my head. 

Dancing, Alcohol; lots of alcohol,  that weird guy, then Lando - oh my god, Lando. I suddenly became aware of the other body in the bed, his warm arm wrapped around me from the back. He seemed like he was still sleeping but I'm a restless morning person so I tried wriggling my way out of bed without waking him up. 

To my avail, I successfully made it out without waking him and started putting my clothes back on. Once dressed, I slipped out of his room and made my way up to my room. 


I've got a week's break until Jeddah so I've flown back to my Monaco home to get some well-deserved rest. My mind has been sort of distracted today just thinking about last night's events. Not that I regret anything, just maybe new feelings surfacing. I'm not sure, I mean it was only one night. 

My mind was overflowing with thoughts, so I decided to take out my notebook and write another letter. Seemed to help the first time. 

----Dear Lando,

You showed me a very prodigious night and I can't thank you enough. I haven't enjoyed someone's company like that for a while. And considering everything I've been through lately, that was the best way (at least I think) to get back up on my feet and back out there. 

The question, where do we go from here? Has been haunting my mind today. We just became friends and I'd hate to ruin what we've established so far. So don't run off on me, Norris. 

That's all for now because I'm having a hard time writing down the jumble of emotions in my mind. 

Do do do do do do do do, (Hum to the tune of "Tequila")

Tequila!! ----

I closed up my notebook and shoved her back into the drawer. I feel a bit better now that I've written my imaginary journal entry to Mr. Norris.


A week later I am feeling more than rested. I decided to take the week off from life and other people and just stayed home, enjoying my new place.

Media day is tomorrow so I'm currently just getting settled into my hotel room for the weekend. Last weekend's race was the perfect way to start the season so I'm excited to get in the car again and prove those reporters wrong, yet again. 

A couple of knocks on my door dragged me out of my deep thoughts and startled me in the process. I wasn't expecting anyone so I didn't know who was knocking. Nevertheless, I put the clothes I was holding in the drawer and went to open the door. 

It was Max on the other side! He had on a black T-shirt and some blue jeans. A classic outfit of his. His hair was styled just perfectly and he looked well relaxed. 

"Hey Max, didn't know you were coming over tonight," I teased, as a way of greeting. 

He looked a little caught off guard by the initial greeting but then cooled and replied, "Oh Az, I needed to be with you again," In that same teasing tone. 

I laughed it off and pulled him into a side hug. "What's up?"

"Daniel wants to grab some food and would like you to come along," Max replied while hugging me back. 

"And how come he didn't come to ask me himself?" I slightly teased while looking up at him.

"I volunteered," He simply smiled back. "Come on," He continued while releasing me from the hug. 

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