𝟷𝟸 ♡ Kiss U Right Now

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Kiss U Right Now By Duckwrth

Last night with Lando only went partially to plan. We decided that whatever is happening between us, stays between us. The last thing we need is the media and fans getting their hands on this information. 

After deciding that, the rest of the night was spent in bed with our lips locked on each other. 

With Lando, things have just seemed relaxing and comforting. No rush and no pressure to make anything out of it. We both live such busy lives that it's been nice to just wind down with each other and without the burden. 


We've had a decent pace throughout all of the free practices and with qualifying in a couple of hours, I'm very confident we will have what it takes to secure at least a top 3 result.  

I was walking through the paddock to get back to the Red Bull hospitality when I was pulled into the alley between the two buildings. I let out a small yelp before regaining my footing. 

I looked up to see Lando smiling down at me. We were standing so close that if anyone saw us, rumors would for sure spark. 

I quietly looked up at him and said, "Lando! What if someone sees us," While smiling because he looked cute. 

"Then we will be quick," He grinned before leaning down, placing a kiss on my mouth, and smiling. 

I smiled back and reached up to pull him into a deeper kiss. He then wrapped his arms around the small of my back as I loosely hung mine from around his neck. Butterfly's formed in my stomach at the cute moment we had shared. 

I broke away from the kiss, against my own will, and bid him goodbye before leaving the alley and continuing on to the hospitality. He smiled, following me with his eyes as I left his view. 


During the team meeting, I kept replaying the moment in my head, because I'd rather be there than here in this boring meeting. I must have been a little noticeably zoned out because Max, who was sitting beside me leaned over and whispered, "Try being a little less noticeable with your daydreams about me, yeah?"

I blushed slightly at that with a slightly shocked face, which made him smirk before leaning back into his seat. So I whispered back, "I wasn't daydreaming," with a hint of offense in my voice, completely missing the part about Max saying it was about him. He only sent a knowing look back and then returned his attention back to the meeting. I tried to do the same but I was still slightly distracted. 


"Alright, Azalea that's P3, P3. Congrats and good driving." Benji said to me as I brought the car over to the pit lane.

I was so relieved to have qualifying over with. It's always so much pressure and with this only being week two, I still needed to prove myself. Alas, I think I did pretty well today and have a good starting point for tomorrow. 

I got out of the car and was surprised to see Carlos and Charles had qualified P1 and 2. No Max, I thought to myself. Wonder what happened to him. 

"Ah, my favorite Ferrari boys together, I feel so honored by your presence," I joked to them as a way of greeting. They both chuckled at that while turning towards me.

"Nice driving out there, Ashford," Charles said as he pulled me into a side hug.  

"Yeah, congrats on P3," Carlos added with a pat on the back.  

"Thanks, you guys!" I replied with a warm smile on my face. I felt so happy to be standing here with the top teams, proving myself. 


After qualifying, I sauntered over to Max's side of the garage, hoping to run into him. I didn't see him in there so I kept searching, eventually making my way to his driver room. I knocked a bit and then heard some shuffling before the door opened with Max standing there. 

He looked a little beat up but held up a tired smile upon seeing me. 

"Hey, Az. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He said while leaning against the door frame. 

"You disappeared a bit on me today, what's up?" I replied while looking up at him. 

"Qualifying kicked my ass today only managed a P10."

"Oh Max, I'm sorry to hear that. I know that's a hard one for you," I gently said as I rubbed his arm a bit. 

"Ah well, just a bit more overtaking to get up to you, and then pass you," He played with a serious face. 

"Yeah as if!" I smacked his arm. "You'll burn out trying to overtake me," I triumphantly said. He laughed at that. 

"Okay well, I'll leave to your wallowing now. Just wanted to see if you were good," I eyed him as I started turning away. 

"Goodnight, Azzy," He mini hollered after me.

"Night night, Max." 

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