𝟷𝟼 ♡ Bad Girls

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Bad Girls By M.I.A.

Max knows about Lan and I.

And yet, hardly any emotion. 

Just civil, quietness. If he did have any feelings on the matter he didn't let on. 

For all the sunshine that boy imits he certainly isn't good at emotions. I just wanted him to say something, say anything that indicated any sort of way of how he was feeling toward this. 

"Azalea Ashford, you look like you're having no fun," Pierre shuffled his way closer, leaning on the side of the truck with me. "We should change that," He slyly said with a smirk as he shot up and down his eyebrows. 

I must have zoned out. And on the driver parade too of all places. 

I gave him a sly smirk back, playing his game and nudging his side slightly- "Whatchu got in mind, Gasly?" 

His smirk only deepened at that, with all sorts of wild thoughts dancing in his eyes. 

I snuck a peak behind him and found two pairs of eyes watching. Making eye - contact with the first, they quickly shot away. Showing me only the side of his Red Bull gear. 

The second, I saw from a peripheral. His Papaya made him stand out, and his knuckles turned a slight white from gripping his bottle too tightly. 

Let's have some fun then

What they don't know, is that Pierre and I have only ever talked the talk, but never gone further than that. And never will. We just enjoy the banter. 

I adverted my gaze back onto Pierre as he said,

"I don't have the Tripod nickname for nothing, you know?" 

I let out a little giggle at that, biting the side of my lip in the process. 

"Now you're speaking my language," I said, as I turned to stand in front of him. As the truck came to a stop to let us all off I reached up to whisper in his ear,

"I enjoy our banter." I made sure to track my eyesight back to Lando, still staring at the other side of the truck. 

He gave a genuine laugh and nodded his agreement. 

"Me too, Az. Never change, girl." He gave me a little fist bump before I turned on my heel and walked off the truck. Sweeping my gaze over Lan again. 


After Qualifying I was waiting in my trailer for media duties to start. I managed a P7 start for the race tomorrow. 

I know I should be easier on myself but I'm not super stoked on that result. I just think I could have managed better and gotten at least a top 5 start. I have been slightly distracted lately, for god knows what. I just need my head fully here, on the track. And right now It's not.  I just keep having to remind myself that it's only race 3 of the season. Plenty of time to maintain consistent results. 

I sighed and stood up to leave my driver's room to grab a snack before the interviews started. Swinging open my door I was met with the stone-cold face of Mr. Norris, leaning against the door frame, arms crossed.

oh lords

I had to keep in the "eek" that wanted to escape my mouth at the sight of his face. And oh boy; black fireproofs. He said nothing as he stalked his way into the room and I closed the door behind him.

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