𝟸𝟼 ♡ Light My Love

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Light My Love By Greta Van Fleet

"That's all the cups! You've gotta run the naked mile," I announced triumphantly, a wide grin on my face as I celebrated my victory in the game of cup pong against Daniel.

"How on earth are you so good at this?" Danny exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief as he begrudgingly started to strip off his clothes.

I nonchalantly shrugged my shoulders, reveling in my triumph. "Just born with the gift, I guess. Now, hurry up, slacker!"

"Alright, alright, but you've gotta time me, yeah?" he declared, pointing a playful yet stern finger in my direction.

I grabbed my phone, ready to capture this hilarious moment, and pressed the timer. "Ready? GO!"

With a dramatic flourish, he dropped his drawers and bolted off into the distance. Laughter erupted from the surrounding partygoers as they watched the unexpected spectacle of a naked mile unfold.

The Miami Grand Prix had come and gone, leaving behind a whirlwind of emotions. With a week off before our next race week, I decided to throw a party at my place. The stress of recent events seemed to dissolve in the vibrant atmosphere—music blaring, people dancing, and colorful lights flickering in the night.

Daniel and I, fueled by the party's energy and probably one too many drinks, found ourselves engaged in a fierce game of cup pong. To my amusement, I managed to sink all my cups before he could score a single one. The consequence? The infamous naked mile around my house.

As the crowd cheered and laughed at Daniel's antics, I couldn't help but appreciate the carefree moment. It was a stark contrast to the intensity of the racing world, providing a much-needed break and a chance to let loose.

I continued to time Daniel's impromptu streak, savoring the lightheartedness of the evening. The Monaco night was alive with laughter, music, and the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore—a perfect evening to let go. 


A voice, familiar and filled with a thousand unspoken words, called out from behind me. Startled, I turned around to find Max standing there, a small, tentative smile playing on his lips.

"Max," I breathed, feeling a whirlwind of emotions crashing over me as I met his gaze.

"DONE! How quick was I?" Daniel announced his triumphant return, skidding to a halt in front of me, panting and out of breath. Oblivious to the charged atmosphere, he followed my gaze and cheerfully added, "MAX!" With a carefree saunter, he approached Max, his ass still exposed. "I knew you'd come, what's up, man?"

Max tore his eyes away from me to address Daniel, a bemused expression on his face. "Hey, man, where's your clothes?"

"Oh, Az has them," Daniel replied casually.

Max's gaze shifted back to me, a raised eyebrow silently questioning the situation.

"Oh my god, not like that," I hurriedly clarified, turning around to retrieve Daniel's clothes. "He had to do a naked mile."

Handing Daniel his clothes, I apologized, "So, how quick was I?" only to realize I had forgotten to stop the timer. Sheepishly, I pointed to the still-running timer in my hands. "Sorry."

"No worries, Az," Daniel said, glancing between Max and me. "You two look thirsty. I'm gonna grab some drinks!" With a playful wiggle of his eyebrows, he slowly backed away.

"He's ridiculous," I laughed, still watching Daniel's retreat.

"How long do you think until he trips over something?" Max joined in, his gaze fixed on Daniel.

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