𝟼 ♡ Evergreen

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Evergreen By Omar Apollo

'Dear Lando,

I was sitting out there, head in a messy state and drowning in emotions. You told me that you write in a journal when you need to express the emotions, anger, and thoughts that might be too hard to confess to another soul. After our conversation, an air of melancholy surrounded me and I felt myself digging a deeper pit and burying myself in words that I couldn't bring myself to express. So here I am, writing to you. Because when my appearance and emotions spoke the words that I couldn't, you still expressed that you were there to listen.

I thought he was different. Someone who wasn't just using me for fame. Someone who understood me for me. Someone who would never hurt me.

I was wrong.

So here I am, acknowledging and truly accepting that I am hurt and in need of change.

There's no turning back to yesterday, to last month, or to last year. No matter how much I wish I could go back to change what happened. Or prevent my heart from being shattered, I just can't go back. From here, I have to move forward, move on. Now is the time to look at who I want to be today, tomorrow, or next month.

Thank you, Lando,

Azalea Ashford'


I finished writing my letter to Lando and then shoved it in a box in the night table that's in the spare room for nobody else to read. Understandably, I didn't want to sleep in my room so I spent the night in the guest room. I was never planning to actually give it to him. I just had so many emotions and it was easier to write to someone than just writing at random.

Last night left me in a whirlwind of feelings. But I haven't told anyone yet. Which I am really dreading doing. I did a good enough job of masking my feelings for the remainder of the party.

I leave for Bahrain tomorrow for the first race of the season and thought I could use some well-deserved alone time to clear my head. Thankfully I had a 'no spending the night rule' last night so I didn't have to deal with anyone. Only a huge mess.

I began my day by cleaning up my home from the party, starting with my room. I want that place sterilized.

I popped on some music, grabbed my cleaning supplies, and got to work.

I had received some text messages from my friends, mostly thanking me for the party, and some offering to help clean. By some, I mean Max and Daniel. They'd probably distract me more than help, so I politely declined and got back to work.


I was currently sitting on my balcony wrapped in a blanket and sipping on some tea. It was so peaceful this evening and I was really enjoying this alone time before the hectic week. Thankfully, writing that letter really helped me clear my thoughts and I was able to sit in peace.

Until my phone buzzed. I groaned and picked it up to see who was disturbing me. It was Lando. My face crept into a gentle smile as I read his message. I opened the app and replied to his message.

I put my phone back down and kept the smile on my face

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I put my phone back down and kept the smile on my face. Happy with my newfound friendship. The peace didn't last long again as the doorbell rang. I groaned again and got up to go answer it. I opened the door and came face to face with someone I'd never met before. I looked down and saw him holding a bag of things.

"Um, hello. I haven't ordered anything," I said to the man, with confusion.

"Azalea Ashford, right?" He replied, double-checking the address.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Okay this is for you then," he responded, handing me the bag.

"Oh okay, thanks then," I said, holding up the bag and then closing the door.

I brought the bag over to the counter and began taking out the things inside. Electrolyte drinks, protein bars, ibuprofen, and sushi takeout. "Mmm my favourite!!" I said to myself when I saw the sushi. Then I looked back in the bag and saw a note and began to read it.

"Just in case you're not feeling 100% today. Plus your favourite to eat, if you're too tired to cook.

- Max"

"That's adorable," I said and took all my goodies over to the couch to eat while I watched a movie. Perfect way to end the day.

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