𝟽 ♡ Chiquitita

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Chiquitita By ABBA

Today I leave for Bahrain. The first race of the season and I could not be more excited. I'm in one of the most competitive cars and can't wait to fight my way to the front of the grid. 

Although, to get there I'm sharing a flight with Max, Danny, and Lando. I feel like it would be the best time to tell them about Nate but just thinking about it is stressing me out. I know they're my best friends but it's just kind of an awkward story. I know it's for the best though, because then I can get it off my chest and then have a clear head for the rest of the weekend. 

I sighed, collected my thoughts, and began out the door to head for the airport. Today I have on my blue track pants and a white tank. Just wanted to keep it simple for this trip. 


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"Azzzzyyyyyy Assshhhhforrrddddd!!!" 

I had just walked into the airport and heard my name being called. Of course, knowing who it was I started looking around to see where the goofs were. Once I spotted them, I made my way over and we all began walking towards the terminal to get to our private plane. 

Max and I fell into step with each other while the other two walked slightly ahead. 

"Hey, thanks for the goodies," I said to him while purposely bumping into his side. 

"Ah well, wasn't sure you were gonna make it today so I had to get you going somehow," he responded, calmly. 

He always does the nicest things but is always so nonchalant about it. That made me giggle a bit. 


On the plane, the boys were all invested in their conversation and I just sat and looked out the window. Trying to find a good time to tell them. However, Max must have noticed because he interrupted their conversation and said, "Hey Azzy, why are you being so quiet?" 

The other two stopped talking and looked at me too. Well, I guess I'm telling them.

"I uh, I have something to tell you guys. But please don't freak out," I said, turning to face them. They all just looked at me waiting for me to continue, except Daniel because he started singing.

"Chiquitita tell me what's wrongggg," he serenaded, reaching an arm out for me. 

I laughed at that, lightened my mood a bit. Once he died down, I took a deep breath and told them. 

"So uh, Nate cheated on me, at my birthday party," I said, with a scrunched-up face, anticipating their response. 

"He WHAT?"

"That's why you were crying?"

"I'm gonna kill him."

They all said in unison. Before I could respond, Max turned to Lando and said, "Wait, you were with her?" 

I then spoke up before Lando and said, "He found me right after it happened."

Lando only nodded in response. 

"Which," I began, facing Lando. "Thank you for that by the way." I continued, sending him an appreciative smile. 

"Yeah, anytime." He responded. 

I didn't miss the look Max gave in response though. He's probably just mad about the situation. 

Daniel, who was surprisingly quiet through that only looked sad. Then said, "Guess I'll never know where I stand on his list then," shaking his head. That made me giggle because I know he's just trying to find some light in the situation. 

It felt so good to get that off my chest and I can finally get my head straight for the upcoming race weekend. 


Media day soon arrived and went by in a blur. I was just in my last interview of the day and just about ready to go. They all had the same questions for me. 

Are you anxious to be in such a competitive car? How can we expect your pace to be this weekend since it's a new team and car? Can we expect to see you and Max have a little rivalry this season? Is there a lot of pressure being Max's teammate?

I anticipated the questions, just because I am on a new team. But I didn't think about the Max ones. We've always been so close that It never even brushed my mind that we would be rivals. That's nonsense, we understand each other which will make us all the better teammates. 

This interviewer, however, asked me a question I hadn't heard since the beginning of last season. 

"How do you expect to do against all these men, seeing you're a girl and all?" 

That caught me off guard. I thought I proved myself to be equal when I did as well as I did last year. I gathered my anger towards this interviewer and tried to shove it all down. 

"Let's put you in the car and see how well you do, seeing as you're a man and all." 

Well, shoving the anger down didn't work. The interviewer gave me a shocked face in return. Laura, my PR manager gave the man a look and dragged me away. 

"Are you mad at me?" I said, turning towards her.

"No no, just wanted you to be done with that snob," she replied. Phew that was close. 


After media day, I headed straight back to my hotel room and ordered food. Still upset about the reporter, and exhausted from answering the same questions all day. After I ate, I switched off everything and hit the hay. I want a fresh start for tomorrow. 


AN: If you have any feedback or scenarios you would like to see then let me know. It would probably motivate me to write more!!

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