𝟷𝟽 ♡ Hey Girl

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Hey Girl By Stephen Sanchez

"Yeah, then Dad made Nico mow the lawn for losing the bet!"

"He shouldn't have bet against me winning then," I smugly said to my sister.

After the Australian Grand Prix Lando and I flew home to the UK. I wanted to have a visit with my family and he had some stuff to film for his Quadrant channel. 

My sister, Isla, and I were in her room catching up from the month we spent apart. 

"So,"- she clapped her hands together, sitting up,-"Catch me up on your love life, little sis," She demanded.

"Well, I have a..." I paused, looking for the right word, "situationship thing?" I paused again, "With Lando," I finished, looking at her for her response. 

"Lando Norris??" She perked up.

"Yes, who else?" 

"Right sorry, it's just... surprising. Didn't see it coming." 

"Well, me neither, and yet here we are."

"Why a situationship, though?" 

"We haven't talked about what it is between us. I like spending time with him, though."

"You haven't had the talk yet? Okay, you're going to have to give me all the details right now and don't leave anything out. " She urged on. 

And so I started at the beginning; the party, and told her all the details from there. 


Lando finished his filming early and invited me over. We were in his room watching movies. I was wrapped in his arms, perfectly content. Except, I had mine and Isla's talk ringing and it was driving me over the edge so I asked, "Hey Lan? What are we?"

He shifted his attention down to me and took a minute before responding, "Whatever you would like, Az," He comforted me by rubbing his hand up and down my arm. 

"I just don't want to rush into anything, I like what we have going, without the titles and all," I responded, looking up through my eyelashes at him. 

"Then that is what we will be," He gave a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. 


"Hey Lan? What are we?" She asked, those hazel eyes staring into mine. 

I looked down at her, caught by surprise with her question. Instantly, so many thoughts and feelings popped into my head. I wanted to tell her all of them. 

I would like nothing more than to wake up every day next to you, knowing you're mine. I want you to be mine. And I want the world to know it. 

"Whatever you would like, Az,"

"I just don't want to rush into anything, I like what we have going, without the titles and all." 

Her eyes held so much fear at her answer. Afraid of how I might react to her feelings. But that's just what they are; her feelings. Something I can't change. 

And so my thoughts about her will forever linger as unspoken words between us. 

Because her gentle night glow is entwined with his golden brightness. 

And I will always be a second thought, always outshined. 

"Then that is what we will be." 



"He's being so dry

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"He's being so dry. I just wish he'd talk to me," I said to Lando, as we had our breakfast outside. 

"I know, hun. He's being childish," Lando replied shaking his head as he took a bite of his eggs.

I nodded in agreeance and continued picking at my breakfast. 

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